Page 95 of Smokescreen

“So I’m noticing.”

I start to say more but see Ellie walking towards us nervously and yet, completely professional. When she smiles, it’s genuine and thankful. We exchange pleasantries and she leads us back to the studio where a film crew is waiting. Max and I are seated for make-up and Ellie tells us exactly the order of her questions. Max clears his throat and she gives him a small nod but doesn’t elaborate.

Once we are seated with microphones, I start to get nervous. It’s not my favorite thing to be on this side of the camera. When I have to make a statement for a client it’s usually done electronically or via phone. My nerves hit an all-time high when Chris, Dana, Laci, my mom, and Sara walk into the room.

Ellie doesn’t give me a chance to question anything and starts the interview. We are scheduled to air tonight so timing is critical.

Max and I are completely in sync with our answers and explanations as to all the charges and allegations. We decided to keep things simple and to the point, never naming names of those involved. We turn the interview around to JOS and the completion of the first half of the factory renovations. Just when I think we’re done, Ellie’s eye light up and she positions her body towards Max.

“Max, there’s something specific you wanted to talk about today. It has to do with a community center in South America you have been working closely with.”

“Yes, Stella turned me onto a center in the area of the factory that was completely unfit for the community and residents. A lot of money and manpower has gone into upgrades to make it more beneficial. Volunteers have completely redone a wing of the community center and turned it into a full-fledged library with all technological advancements.”

My eyes bug out of my head and I forget I’m on camera. Max gives me a sly grin and continues. “Stella was an integral part of this and the members of the board have decided to name it ‘The Sullivan Library for Learning.’”

Surprise, shock, and absolute disbelief hit me at once. I look to him and he reaches for my hand.

“Babe, you’re famous for the reasons meant to be.”

“Oh my God!”

My eyes dart to the side where Laci is dancing around silently. “Are you serious?”


As hard as I try to stop it, one tear rolls down my cheek and I hiccup. “I can’t believe this.”

“That’s not all, Stella,” Ellie continues. “It’s come to my attention that one of the philanthropic projects you created has received funding for the next two years. It’s an anonymous source close to Hurst & McCoy and will be fully funding the resources needed to provide a ‘stay in school’ program for children that need money to help their families.”

My heart skips a beat then starts racing. This means more to me than anything ever. Kids like Pedro will be given a chance to finish school instead of worrying about their families. When I look at Max, his face is shining bright. He’s glowing in happiness and content.

“Ellie, I don’t know what to say to all this. Obviously I’m taken by surprise and have a million questions. But I’m so excited for the communities in the area to have such wonderful opportunities.”

“Is it safe to say you’re speechless?” Ellie asks nervously. When I look at her, she’s scared that she’s screwed up with me, but it’s the opposite.

“Yes, I guess so. Stella Sullivan, Mouth of the South, is speechless.”

She sighs in relief and Max laughs loudly, pulling me to him. Snickers come from the crowd and my mom is beaming.

“Thank you both for coming forward to set the record straight. Personally, I’m speaking for myself, when I say it was a terrible allegation and the truth prevailed. I do have one more question. Mr. McCoy, you’ve been named as the area’s Most Eligible Bachelor for several years in a row. Most recently rumors have linked you and Miss Sullivan together romantically. Do you want to address those rumors?”

“Not really, but I will.” Max gives her a knowing look. “Let’s just say my days of being on the Most Eligible Bachelor list are over forever. I’ve found the woman of my dreams.”

Sighs and murmurs fill the room but I sit stunned. Somehow, I put a smile on my face and thank Ellie before the camera’s stop. Then when it’s safe, I jump into his lap, kissing him deeply. Whistles and shouts fill the room, but I don’t stop until he squeezes my hips and breaks away.

“A library? Full funding? You kept this from me?”

“I love surprising you.”

“For the love of all things holy! Can you two please refrain?” Laci says coming to me and wrapping both of us in her embrace. “Max, you realize you just proved how whipped you are right? Using the term ‘woman of my dreams’ o

n an interview that will probably have bits aired on national coverage? No doubt you lost your man card and probably any respect from your brethren.”

Max laughs out loud, pulling back from her. “Brethren?”

“Yeah, you know the other members of the badass bachelorhood. Hot, rich, powerful, demanding.”

“I think I can still be pretty demanding and powerful, even if I’m completely enraptured. If you’d let my girlfriend go, I’ll take her home and prove my manhood.”