Page 91 of Smokescreen

“Hey! I can be sweet too!” Laci protests, looking for attention.

“Didn’t say I was looking for sweet, but my man found the fucking sugar factory,” he replies.

“Jake,” I say loudly, “I can still whip an ass into shape in two seconds flat. Don’t under estimate me.”

“Wouldn’t think about it.” He grins and sips his beer.

I look directly to Landon. “Did you get the number I asked for?”

“Oh yeah, Stella Bella, and I’m ready for this shit. Bring it on.” He bounces in his chair.

“Max, we’re doing our first joint interview on Friday. I’ve picked an unknown reporter. She’s never worked with me so has no ties. I want someone completely unbiased when it comes to our professional lives. She’s handled mostly entertainment pieces.”

“You know you’re about to make her career locally right?”

“That’s what I’m counting on. She didn’t shit on my name the last five days.”

“Stella, aren’t you being too hard on these reporters? You work with them daily, won’t it hurt you?” my mom asks genuinely concerned.

“No, Mom, I’m not being hard. If they stuck to the story, it wouldn’t have upset me. That’s their job and I respect that. But when they mentioned my personal relationship, it cast me into a negative light even deeper. Journalism 101, work on the facts. No matter how many apologies come my way, I’ll never forget. It’s my decision to hand pick a new journalist and give her a story that everyone’s going to want.”

“Well, I suggest you make the call now,” Laci says. “Email is blowing up with messages from every station including CNN & Fox News, requesting an interview. It’ll be my pleasure to tell those assholes you’re doing an exclusive only.”

“Me too. I can’t wait!” Landon pipes in.

“And Stella,” Max looks at me with a grin, “when she sends you the preview questions, make sure she has at least two personal questions about us. We’re setting everyone straight on this shit for good.”

Honestly, I’m just as uneasy as Stella walking up these stairs, but the need to be strong outweighs the anxiety. “Never let ’em see you sweat,” as my dad would say. My anger has only grown stronger since hanging up with Edward yesterday. Even if he had no idea what Brian Claxton had planned, he willingly encouraged it by promising him the business. That’s one of the reasons I agreed to meet, to watch the look in his eyes when he learns the depth of his deception and all that it affected.

Stella tried to back out of this meeting but I wouldn’t allow it. She needs to be here. As soon as I ring the doorbell, her hands start to sweat. But instead of sliding behind me, she stands tall and puts on a mask. Her beautiful eyes lose all emotion and her face turns to stone. She’s ready.

Rita answers the door and greets me first with a strong hug and kiss on the cheek. She smiles widely and holds my face in her palms. “Maxwell, it’s been too long. So glad you’re here.”

I nod back to her and keep a tight hold on Stella. When Rita notices she scowls slightly and steps back. “You must be Stella Sullivan.”

“Yes, nice to meet you, Mrs. Hurst.” Stella raises her hand to shake as Rita takes it reluctantly.

“Max, you here?” Edward’s voice calls from the back room.

“Yeah, we’re here.”

I follow Rita back to the room I know so well. Hoping this isn’t a mistake. As soon as we enter a sense of unease washes over me. Henry, our COO and my partner in the JOS project, is sitting and so is Edward’s personal legal counsel.

“What’s this? Thought we were meeting to talk?” I question everyone in the room.

“We are, boy, but apparently I’ve been kept in the dark a long time. Brian Claxton seems to be the issue here and I need to make sure I’m not implicated in anything.”

The blood in my veins boils. He knew what he was doing. “You really want to do this with an audience, Edward? Brian is not the only issue here. You want everyone to know you went behind my back, listened to a jaded asshole, and brought Hurst & McCoy into the spotlight for your own personal vendetta against me?”

“I have no choice. I listened to the wrong man and now my name is wrapped up with a dirty rat.”

“And possible murderer,” Stella mutters.

Edward’s face goes white. Rita’s face is equally as pale as she walks to him. “What?”

Tucking her safely to my side, I explain as much as I want to share. Brian’s deception, his involvement, and his plan to get our business to his new firm. When I get to the part about Brian trying to manipulate Edward by creating his elaborate scandal, every face is either stretched in grief or anger. Rita pours a few scotches and hands them out, ignoring Stella. In an act of solidarity, I hand mine to her. She sips it and coughs lightly, which makes me grin.

“You have one hundred percent proof Stella is innocent?” Edward asks quietly.