Page 12 of Smokescreen

“Yeah, the look of hurt was crushing.”

“Are you going to tell her about Erica?”

“Yeah. Today, if she’ll listen. That’s why I want her here.”

“Quick question, why two hundred dollars on flowers?”

“The shop next to the wine store was closing, I had to pay extra to have him open up and make an arrangement. And I bought everything he had that remotely reminded me of Stella.”

Dana nods and gets up to leave. “Max, I know you don’t think you deserve happiness, but you do. What happened with your father will be taken care of. Don’t think I haven’t noticed what you’ve been doing the last three years. And the thing with Erica is unhealthy. You need to move her out of your life all together.” Then she walks out.

She’s right, she always is. I hear her on the phone with Stella politely requesting she come here in an hour. The conversation must not be good because Dana has to convince her it’s very important and emails would not be appropriate. Then I hear her talking to Laci and explaining a bit about today. A smile spreads across my face when Dana tells her I’m not really a fuckwad. I guess Stella told her about last night. Laci doesn’t pull any punches. I make a note to get back on her good side.

Different scenarios run through my mind trying to think of the perfect way to apologize. Finally ten arrives and the receptionist announces her arrival.

Dana leads her back to the office. As soon as she walks through the doorway, all sense leaves my mind. She’s breathtaking. Not caring that Dana is here, I stalk to her. Right before I can grab her waist, her eyes grow wide as she realizes what I’m doing.

Without warning, I pull her to me and slam my mouth to hers. I try to go slow and be gentle, but can’t. Her lips part slightly and the first taste of her on my tongue sends shockwaves through me. My dick jumps in my pants and starts to ache. Fuck! She tastes like vanilla and strawberry. I claim her mouth, trying to convey my apology. A burning need bubbles inside, but it quickly diminishes when I realize she’s stiff as a board in my arms.

Pulling back, I peck her softly and run my thumbs across her cheeks, looking straight into her eyes. She’s shocked.

“There is no one else. I’m not involved with anyone.”

Her face relaxes but she still has her guard up. Dana gives me a wide smile and leaves shutting the door behind her. I link my fingers with Stella’s and walk her to the sofa, sitting us down.

“I fucking froze last night. You deserve an explanation.”

“Okay.” She looks at me with absolute confusion.

“I’m not involved with anyone romantically. A woman lives with me, out of pure obligation on my part. It’s a long story, but I’ve wanted you since the minute you walked into my board room.”

“You live with another woman?!”

Shit! That’s all she heard?

“Yes, but it’s complicated. I told you I had to make some hard decisions and she was one of them. I treated her badly and it bit me in the ass. I had to do something, so I let her move in.”

“How complicated?”

“Complicated enough that I have to share living space with her, but she has her own room. We live different lives.”

“Can you explain a little more?”

“Yes, but not today. I need you to know me, the real me, before I load your brain with the selfish, revengeful Maxwell McCoy. Every minute I’ve spent with you, is the real me. Working with you is a breath of fresh air. I remember how much I enjoy the business side of things. I love hearing your enthusiasm and new ideas, your knack for reaching out, your intelligence. There’s a connection between us and I know you feel it too. I may be a selfish bastard for pursuing you, but nothing can stop me.”

“Max, my head is spinning. I’m not sure what you want from me?” She looks at me with an unreadable expression.

I wrap my arm around her stiff shoulders and pull her closer, our noses almost touching. “I want you to see the Maxwell McCoy I can be when demands of business aren’t on my shoulders. Believe it or not, I used to have a life outside these office doors. I’d like to find that again and hopefully share some of it with you.

“I want to get to know you, Stella, inside and out. We’ll be working together closely on this project, but after the workday is done, I’d like to see where the attraction takes us. I don’t want our relationship to be purely professional. I want more.”



“Yes, why me? You’re a really successful businessman that dates models.”

“Bella, don’t do that. Don’t belittle yourself. To me you’re exquisite and not just because of your physical beauty. You’re gorgeous and smart. Your ideas to give back to the communities in South America show your generosity. It’s been almost two weeks since you walked into these offices, into my life. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. The meeting with Chris, our dinner, last night, all the times we’ve been together have me wanting more. I’m completely drawn to you.” Her face softens at my declaration and use of the name I gave her last night.