Page 108 of Smokescreen

Jake takes the object and then blows out a frustrated breath. “Goddammit!” he slams his hand on the desk. “Fucking scrambler. No wonder you had to go downstairs to call Dana back. This was a set up. He’s been watching us.”

“But how’d he know Stella would be alone or Max would get a call?” Laci asks.

“He was waiting for any opportunity. This was a professional job, he probably had some tricks up his sleeve. My guess is he jammed the elevators. It was just a coincidence with the room service.”

“I don’t do coincidences,” I interject. “He had a plan.”

“Well, when we find his ass, we’ll get answers.” Jake gives me a hard look.

“Look!” Laci points to the monitor and we see the same man wheeling the cart into a white van. Jake stops the video and blows up the screen. It’s poor quality but you can see the man’s face.

“Let’s get this printed and ask around to see if anyone knows him. We’ll run him against the system too.” Jake directs the officer in the corner and then gets up. We follow him back to the suite and he clears the room.

“What are you thinking?” I question, knowing he’s got something on his mind.

“I’m an officer of the law and I believe in the system to do its job. Even in a foreign country, sworn officials take their jobs seriously.”

“Jesus Christ, Jake. This isn’t the time to give me a dissertation on your work ethic and the brotherhood of the legal system.”

He shakes his head and stares at Laci. “Sweet lips, I think you should call your dad.”

Understanding slams into me. He’s calling in the big guns.

This is not fucking happening. Two days have passed and nothing has transpired. Every official and civilian within forty-five miles has been looking for Stella with no real leads. Her parents and Amy, along with my family will be here within the hour. They want answers. I have none. Even though I’ve been at this police station for the last forty-eight hours, I still know nothing.

“Here you go.” Laci hands me a cup of coffee and sits down. I pull her close and hear her throat catch. The silent tears fall and she trembles in my arms. This isn’t the first time she’s broken down since Stella was kidnapped, but in public, she’s a force to be reckoned with. She stays on top of every officer that walks into the station.

I set my coffee down and embrace her tightly. “We’re gonna find her, Lace.”

“Max, you don’t understand. I’m scared to death, but it’s more than that. I need her. She’s not just my best friend, she’s so much more. Stella has been my rock for most of my life. Every single life-changing experience, she’s been by my side. If anything happens to her it will devastate me. It’s hard to comprehend because you’re a man.”

“I understand completely. She’s my fucking lifeline. Every second that passes, a little piece of me dies. I need her Laci, I need her so much. My mind is trying to telepathically feel where she is. I can’t explain it, but even though I can’t find her, I know she’s okay. If she wasn’t I’d know.”

She looks at me with tearstained cheeks and gives me a shy smile. “I believe you.”

I start to say more but Laci’s eyes grow wide and she jumps up running. When I turn, Marshall has his daughter in a tight embrace and she’s sobbing again. His eyes meet mine with warmth and he gives me a slight chin lift.

After a few minutes, I lead them to a small room that has been designated as ‘ours.’ It’s not much but has a small couch and table with chairs.

“This room wired?” Marshall asks.

“No, Jake had them shut down surveillance and wires when we came. He explained we were cooperating thoroughly.”

“Let’s sit for a minute and then walk around the building. Fresh air will do you both good.”

His intention is clear—he has news and doesn’t want to take a chance of being overheard if the authorities have ears on the room.

We chitchat for a few minutes about what has happened since we arrived. Once an acceptable amount of time has passed, we leave and go out the back door. I walk ahead until we’re in a secluded area.

“Before you tell me anything, you need to know, everyone thinks Stella is my fiancée. I did that on purpose to emphasize the importance of finding her. The McCoy name has become respected down here and the term fiancée carries more clout than girlfriend.”

“That was a wise decision.”

“What have you got?”

“Max, you and Laci need to know very little here because I don’t want you involved if things go badly.”

“Bullshit! Stella was taken under my nose, my business partner is giving subtle warnings, and I’m sitting here with nothing. Not a fucking thing to help find her. My involvement is the least of my goddamned worries!”