After we fill our plates and return to the living room, Tripp and Finn set up the video and I groan. “Can we please not do this? Isn’t there a game we can watch or something?

“Quit your bitchin’. I want to see how awesome we look and I want to watch Jason’s face as I deny him. It was an epic performance.” Kendall throws a grape at me.

I settle on the floor next to Declan and the video starts. I almost choke as I watch myself flip over Harper and land in some guy’s arms. When he lifts me up and spins me around, I see how close my crotch was to his face and I can’t watch anymore. Declan puts his arm around me and leans in close, “That was the sexiest fucking part of the night besides your outfit. It was almost too much for me to handle because of how close he was to you, but it gave me some ideas.”

I feel the blush creeping in my cheeks and squeeze my thighs together. I look around, but no one seems to have noticed that the temperature in the room just went up.

He just chuckles.

When the video is over, everyone’s cheering and my mom is doubled over with laughter. Kendall is pointing out Jason’s reaction to her spin with some hot guy. My mom and Jenny finally gather their composure and my mom wants a tour of the house. Abbi agrees to show them around while I rush to clean up my room. Charlie helps me make the bed and Harper cleans the clothes off the floor. Kendall straightens the bathroom since we trashed it last night getting ready.

When the tour gets to my room, my mom loves it. She and Jenny repeatedly tell us how cute the whole place is. Jenny gushes over the front walk and porch and Abbi tells her about her green thumb.

Two hours later, my mom, Jenny, Finn, and Tripp all leave. I’m exhausted and we all decide to take a nap. I can’t find Declan, but I guess he’s in the bathroom. Kendall lays out on the air mattress because she wants to watch TV. I go to my room and take off my bra from under my t-shirt and throw it to the side. I finally look up and screech. Declan is laying under my sheets shirtless and staring at me.

“You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing?”

“I need a nap too. I get ready quicker than you.”

“Why don’t you nap at your house? Wouldn’t you prefer the peace and quiet of a house without six women in it?”

“Nope, not if you are one of the women.”

I watch him intently for a minute and allow my eyes to gaze over his perfect chest and abdomen. I involuntarily lick my lips.

“You can molest me much easier from over here. I won’t even put up a fight.” He reaches his arms out to me. “Babe, come here.”

I don’t even care how pathetic I am; I go straight to him and crawl up in the bed. He grips my arms and hauls me so I’m straddling his hips. He whips up, takes the back of my head, and pulls me into a deep kiss. One hand slowly grazes up my side while the other hand massages my head. I feel him growing hard underneath me. He moves so that he grinds against me through the sheets and my pants. I grind back. I know if we keep this up, I’ll come from sensory overload. I’m so lost in us that I don’t hear the door open.

“Shit! Sorry! I wanted my phone and it’s in my purse on your nightstand. Y’all don’t let me stop you. I’ll just go now.” Kendall might have tried to hide her amusement, but I could hear it in her voice.

“This is why we’re going to my house tomorrow night. Absolutely no chance of interruptions.” He pecks me lightly and rearranges me to his side. “Let’s get some sleep. I have to be at the bar in a few hours.”

I can’t clear my head. My whole body is tense and I know my pants are soaking wet. “Declan,” I murmur.

“Hmm, baby?”

“I’m kind of uncomfortable now.”

He leans down whispers in my mouth, “Sparkle, I’ve been uncomfortable since our first kiss, but I swore to go slow. Just hang in there with me and I will take care of you.”


My mind fills with thoughts of him taking care of me.

Chapter 22

Thank You

Declan woke me from my nap to kiss me goodbye before he headed out to get ready for his show. Sayge isn’t scheduled to play at The Steamroom until 9:30 tonight. I promised him that my friends and I will be there and I’d meet him before the show. Everyone slept through most of the afternoon. The whole crew is much more subdued tonight. We all get ready together, but without the gusto we had last night.

I don’t know why, but I let Charlie do my hair and make-up while Kendall picks out my outfit. According to them, the soon-to-be-my-again boyfriend needed a little reminding of what he “almost lost”. Large curls cascade down my back and there’s bobby pins arranged throughout my hair so no strays f

all into my face. My face make-up is light, but my eyes pop with a smoky eye shadow and navy eyeliner.

The outfit is impractical, but I agree anyway. Kendall has dressed me in black and white leggings and a black, oversized tunic top. She wrapped a bright red belt around my middle and topped it off with short black boots. The outfit screams high society clubbing rather than rock and roll bar.

When I get to the kitchen, I’m the only one who’s not wearing jeans; I’m suddenly suspicious.