I lay in bed on Sunday night and think about my day.

Breakfast was great. Everyone was hung-over, but I confirmed plans with Harper and Charlie about our upcoming weekend. We didn’t have any privacy so Charlie didn’t say anything about my night with Declan. Max kissed us all good-bye and left for the airport. Everyone else said their farewells and headed home.

On the way home, I heard about Abbi and Ella’s night, but neither of them asked me about my night alone with Declan. I can still feel him on me and smile at my memories.

I haven’t heard from him all day, but I know he’ll call. I’m just about to doze off when there’s a loud banging at the front door.

“For the love of Christ, Dec, what the fuck?”

“Where is Raven?”

“In her bed where normal people are at 11:00 at night.” Ella answers.

I sit up and turn on my lamp just as he barges through my door. He throws a heap of print-offs on the bed. He looks like hell. He hasn’t shaved and his clothes are a mess. There’s a red stain on his white t-shirt and I know something’s wrong.

“Dec, what’s going on?”

He’s livid as he screams at me, “What’s going on? What do you think is going on? Look at this shit!” He picks up the prints and tosses them at me. I look down and see pictures from last night of me dancing with Finn, Max, my dad, and Robbie. They’re online pictures for the paper that will be in the Lifestyle/Metro section for tomorrow’s paper. Only the top pics will hit print, but I know the rest will hit the internet for the “Who’s Who” section.

“Declan, what’s wrong?” I lift up on my knees and reach for him.

He recoils into the door and stares right through me.

“What’s wrong? I look at those pictures and see those guys hands all FUCKING over you while you dance with them in that fucking skimpy dress and fuck me shoes!”

I sit back and take a breath. I’m about to throw up. I know how this looks. “Declan, two of these are of my dad and brother. You know the other two are Finn and Max. There’s nothing to be upset about.”

“BULLSHIT! You tramped around that ball room and let those guys put their hands all over you. I was hard as nails trying to work a gig and you were whoring it up with Finn and Max on the fucking dance floor. No wonder he wanted to beat my ass. He has you in his arms all night and then I show up! These pictures show everything, Raven. Those guys want you and you let them rub all over you? Am I stupid, YES, because I thought we had something! I fought tooth and fucking nail to get to you, but tell me- which one were you going to fuck last night?”

I jump back. I can’t even respond to his accusations.

“That’s what I thought. You deceived me. I thought… never mind what I thought. You are just like all the others. I spent weeks trying to prove to you that I’m worth it, but I had no idea you were the Master Manipulator. Well played, Raven, well played.”

I’m so mad right now. But wait, wasn’t he was supposed to be here earlier? Where the hell has he been and where did he get these pictures?

I buck off the bed and head straight to him. I can smell the alcohol.

“Where did you get these? And why didn’t you come and talk to me before jumping to conclusions?”

“A friend brought them by today and showed me how stupid I’d been to think I had something with you.”

It hits me right away. That isn’t a smear down his shirt; it’s lipstick. He smells cheap and I want to gag. I see red right away.

“Who was your friend?”

“None of your fucking business and at least I know now you aren’t worth it.” He looks at me and slams the door behind him. I listen as Abbi and Ella try to stop him and the front door slams.

I fall on the floor and sob. Last night I fell in love with him and now he thinks I’m a whore. Arms wrap around me trying to calm me down, but I cry louder. I feel like I’ve been sliced open. They put me in my bed. My head is pounding with my heart. I know what I have to do tomorrow.

After the girls finally leave me, I text Robbie, I have to tell him tomorrow.

Chapter 17

The Truth

I make it through my classes today, but decide to skip dance. I need to get to Declan’s before I chicken out. Abbi texted me his address reluctantly because I begged her to please not tell him I was on my way. I know I might walk into my worst nightmare, but I have to do this.

When I get to his house, I notice a white car in the front. I’m determined not to back down so I ring the bell.