Abbi: You tell me- or wait- you can tell me when you get here. Hurry your ass up.

Declan approaches the truck. I’m freaking out and I think he can tell.

“You don’t look very Zen. Yoga must have been bad today.”

“Well nothing happened at yoga. When I got to the car and checked my messages, Abbi and Ella had tried to get a hold of me. Apparently, they need to talk to me. I was told to hurry my ass home.”

Realization dawned on his face, “Fucking damned hell! I have a feeling I know what’s going on. Let’s go.”

When we pull into the driveway, he looks at me and smiles gently. “I’m going in there with you. We’ll talk to them together. I’d like to be as vague as possible. I want to keep whatever’s happening between us private. We’re both adults and we can proceed without their permission. But I want you to know something before we get the Spanish Inquisition, I’m serious about getting to know you, Raven. They don’t get to know what happens between us. Are you okay with that?”

I smile and nod. I’m okay with that.


I’m not sure what to expect as we walk into the house. Abbi and Ella are on the couch watching TV. There’s genuine surprise as I walk in with Declan behind me. They look between the two of us and then at each other.

“Please, Declan, not again. You promised.”

“No, Ella, not again. This isn’t what you think.”

“What do you mean it’s not what I think? Did you spend the night here last night?”


“You guys are sort of freaking me out. What is it you want to know?” I interrupt.

Abbi speaks first, “Well, we didn’t know you two were still together this morning. When we came home and found the remnants of Dec’s famous family favorite in the refrigerator and dessert on the counter, we knew there had to be a mistake. Obviously, he knew we were at Dad’s last night so why would he bring over dinner. Then it hit us; he brought you dinner. Now you two walk in and it makes us wonder if he ever left last night.”

Declan groans to the ceiling, “Why are sisters such a pain in the ass?”

I look at both of them “It’s a simple answer. No, he didn’t stay the night. He came over with dinner and we watched a movie. When he left, he offered to take me to yoga since he was playing ball. He picked me up earlier and here he is dropping me off. Okay?”

Both sets of eyes go straight to Declan. “You brought dinner and watched a movie here last night?”

“Yes, Abbi.”

“On a Friday night?”


“Wow, I may need a minute to process this. Not sure I’ve ever heard of you doing the date thing. It’s a little unexpected. It’s not your style.”

“Jesus Christ, Abbi, that’s a shitty thing to say, especially in front of the girl I was with. What’s wrong with you?”

It’s starting to get tense in here and I really don’t want to know what Declan’s ‘style’ is. “I need to take a shower and get some lunch. Are we all okay here?” No one responds so I take that as a yes.

“See you later, Declan. Thanks for the ride.” I walk past everyone and into my room. The door’s just about shut when Declan blocks it with his hand.

“Wait a minute; I need to talk to you.”

“Okay, what’s up?”

“First off, can I come in? I’m not sure I want my sisters in on this conversation.”

“Sure, come on in.” I step back and he comes in and shuts the door behind him. He steps forward and pulls my body into his. Even though he’s still sweaty and I can visibly see the dirt on him, I don’t care.

“Raven, what are your plans tonight?”