“It would have been nice, but I understand. However, I’m almost twenty-six years old and I finally have a Christmas present I want to wake-up to tomorrow morning. You need to figure out a way to make that happen while still respecting your parents.”

“I think I have an idea; just hang in there. But note, we will not have sex in my parents’ house tonight.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He stops kissing me and takes the gifts downstairs.

After wrapping the presents for Robbie, I freshen up and meet everyone in the living room. Declan has already met Finn’s parents and all the men are standing around talking. I join the women on the sofa and Mrs. Black comments on my bracelet. I tell her the story of my birthday and she looks at my mom with a starry glance.

We move to the dining room and Robbie helps my mom bring out all the food. Before we eat, my dad gives a prayer thanking God we are all here safe and healthy. He even thanks him for new friends and I squeeze Declan’s hand under the table. When Dad’s done with his prayer, we all say “Amen” and dig in.

After I’m fully stuffed, and the men clear the dishes, we go to the living room for the present exchange. The Black’s always give us something small and we do the same for them. I get my gift for Finn and my parents exchange the normal bottle of wine and Christmas ornament. Finn gives Robbie a bottle of Jack and hands me a box.

Finn opens his gift and whistles at the shirt. I ordered him a vintage t-shirt from his favorite all- time band. He has loved Widespread Panic since high school. He pulls me down on his lap and tickles me until I threaten to pee.

When I open his gift, I lose my breath. He’s taken a black and white photo of Robbie’s and his dog tags and had it matted and framed. Tears sting my eyes as I look at both of them and realize they understand the meaning of this to me. I lunge at both of them on the couch and hug them tight.

The Black’s stay for another hour before going home to get ready for their family Christmas tomorrow. My parents say goodnight and head upstairs. Robbie and Declan decide to watch The Christmas Story marathon. I beg for something else, but I’m overruled. Since I have to watch the movie for like the thousandth time, I lay across the sofa with my head on Declan’s chest and my feet on Robbie’s lap. He grunts, but doesn’t move. I fall asleep to Declan and Robbie howling over the movie while Declan gently runs his fingers through my hair.

Robbie wakes me when he gets off the couch, but I snuggle closer to Declan.

“Is this respectful enough for you?” I whisper to him. “It’s officially Christmas and you have me.”

“This isn’t quite what I expected. But after I kiss you, I’m going to walk you to your room.” He leans down and kisses me sweetly, which turns into a make-out session. I pull away breathless. He lifts me up and carries me to my room. He kisses me once more and says, “Merry Christmas, Sparkle.”


The smell of coffee wakes me up on Christmas morning. I rush to the bathroom to get ready and run downstairs hoping to wake Declan. Unfortunately, he’s already in the kitchen with my mom. My dad is on the patio reading the paper. I scream ‘Merry Christmas’ loud enough for him to hear me through the kitchen window.

Robbie joins us and my dad comes in from outside. We all take our coffee into the living room and my dad hands out our presents. We aren’t the type of family that watches everyone else open gifts and says “oooohhh” and “aaaahhh”. No, we’re the type that tears into our gifts. Declan laughs at our style, but joins in the fun.

An hour later, I inspect everyone’s gifts over the mounds of wrapping. My mom loves her wind chime. She asks Robbie and Declan to get the ladder and put it up on the back porch. I got my dad a box set of books about WWII with detailed pictures and individual stories. He has cracked open the first book and is leisurely thumbing through it. Robbie and Declan both got shirts from me and I gave Declan some cologne that he’s almost out of. I grab a gift bag and collect all my presents. I got scarves, earrings, perfume, a new pair of kick-ass boots, and several gift cards. Declan actually gave me the earrings I fell in love with at the festival. He took a picture with his phone and sent a text to Abbi to buy them so I’d be surprised. My parents gave Robbie and Declan several tickets to an upcoming sporting event at the arena. Dad suggested a guys’ night out.

We clean up the living room and get ready to go to Declan’s dad’s house. His dad lives about forty-five minutes north and we promised to be there close to lunchtime. We say our goodbyes, and load into his truck. Robbie told me that he’ll probably be up our way tonight and tomorrow because he’s going to hang out with the guys after dinner. I know Robbie’s ready to get his own place, but he promised my parents that he’d live with them until one full year after his accident. I’m pretty sure he regrets that promise.

David Collins has a beautiful house that’s situated in the middle of three acres of land. The view of the mountainous area is amazing. I imagine spring and fall are stunning. David’s house was obviously decorated by Abbi and Ella. I see their familiar styles all around.

After greeting everyone and putting our gifts under the tree, we sit down and tell them about Christmas with my parents. Everyone, including David, laughs at Declan as he re-tells the story of having to sleep in separate rooms. He doesn’t find it very amusing.

There’s nothing I can do to help with lunch so I set the table. Lunch is a feast. There is way too much food for five people. David explains that his wife started the tradition when Ella was old enough to voice her own opinion. A

ll her children had favorite dishes growing up and Christmas was the only holiday she made every one of them.

The feast consists of five different types of casseroles, ham, turkey, several vegetables, and two kinds of bread. I can tell what each sibling favors by the amount they serve themselves. Declan is acting like he’s never seen food before. He has three servings of everything and Ella asks if my parents fed us. He nods and says he’s just hungry.

Halfway through the meal, Declan and his sisters break in to an argument regarding some incident when they were kids. David relaxes in his chair as he watches his children bicker with a smile on his face. He catches me looking and winks. He’s such a great man. My heart swells when I think about him losing his wife so young. He shakes his head at me, dismissing the thoughts. He must have read my mind.

“Okay, is everyone finally finished eating?” Ella asks, but directs the question to Declan. “Can we open presents now?”

“We should at least clean the kitchen first,” he answers her.

“Nu-uh, no way. Not all of us got to celebrate Christmas already.”

“You just wait, Ella; I’m going to throw that comment back at you when you split your holiday with a guy’s family.”

“Maybe, but I need a guy first. Come on, let’s go.” She jumps up smiling at me.

Declan pulls me to him and whispers in my ear, “When we have kids, everyone’s coming to us on Christmas Day.”

I know he’s waiting for me to react, but all I feel is calm. It wasn’t a question or inquiry; it was a statement. We’re going to have kids and host the holiday and I’m elated. I want him to know I feel the same. “Of course, baby. Santa Claus comes to our house.”