I shake my head and grip his ass with my free hand. He fills my mouth with salty liquid and I stop moving to run my tongue back over his tip. When he’s done, I slide back up his body, kissing his tattoos. He pulls me by my armpits up to him. He cradles my face and stares into my eyes. I will never tire of his piercing green eyes.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?”

“Many reasons, but I’ll give you the top two. One, I missed you incredibly. And two, you want to make plans for next Christmas with me.”

“You have no idea, do you? I guess I still have to prove to you how much you mean to me. As soon as you give me the green light, I’m going to go back to my daily goal of worshipping Ravenel James Hayes until she knows exactly how I feel about her.”

“Dec, I love you too. I was just surprised you were already thinking about next year.”

“Raven, I’ve come to the conclusion that love may not be strong enough a word for how I feel about you. I’m starting to understand why my dad never remarried after my mom died. I’m not sure I could ever get over it if anything happened to us or to you.”

“Nothing’s going to happen so let’s not think about it.”

He doesn’t answer; he just kisses me until I fall against him breathless.


My whole group felt great about the presentation we finished. We decide to get a beer to celebrate. I send a text to Declan to let him know, but don’t mention where we are. I know he’s tired from playing at a new bar last night and he has a show tonight as well. We raise our beers to toast and cheer about the end of our first semester as MBA Students. We discuss our holiday plans and the courses we’re going to take next spring. I’m not surprised to find out that we’re all taking the same classes. On our second round of beers, my phone starts ringing in my purse.

“Hey there!”

“Sparkle, why didn’t you answer your phone earlier?”

“It was in my purse and I must not have heard it. What’s up?”

“You tell me.” He sounds aggravated.

I wave my finger at my friends and step away from the table for some privacy.

“Now where’re you going?” He asks.

How does he know I got up? I start looking around the bar and find him leaning against the wall at the entrance watching me with a grin on his face. I shake my head and hang up as he walks up to me.

“What in the world are you doing here?” I laugh at him.

He pulls a stool up next to me at our table and shrugs. “Thought I would join you guys and buy a round to celebrate your semester.” He nods to everyone at the table, acknowledging them.

“That sounds good to me. Thanks, man.” Kyle says and motions for the waitress to get us another round.

The conversation keeps going and Anna comments on the festival Sayge played at a few weeks ago. This engages Declan in to the conversation and he answers all their questions about his band.

“We usually play at The Steamroom on Thursday and Saturday nights, unless we’re doing a special gig- like the festival. If you guys ever come in, you’re welcome to come backstage as my guests. Raven comes as much as she can with her schedule. Just ask for me or her and we’ll get you backstage.”

“That’s so cool!” Mari jumps up and down in her seat.

“Yeah man, thanks. Brent and I may be there tonight.” Kyle tells him.

Anna doesn’t say anything, but I swear I see attraction to Declan in her eyes as she stares at him.

“Baby, you ready? I have a surprise for you at home.” He asks me as he gets off his stool. He throws twenty dollars on the table and holds his hands out to help me into my coat.

“Bye guys, have a nice break if I don’t see you before next semester. Merry Christmas!” I tell them as I follow him out to the car.

When we get home, there’s a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket and an arrangement of lilies on the table.

He takes my coat and hangs it up then leads me to the kitchen and pours us a glass. He toasts a ‘congratulations’ before drinking.

“Sweetheart, if this is how you celebrate the end of a semester, I can’t wait to see how you celebrate graduation.” I smile at him.