Chapter 32

The Holidays

There are only two weeks until Christmas and I only have one week of school left.

My group project is done and we sent in the final draft today. I think we’re ready to answer any questions about our report, but we plan to meet one more time tomorrow night to make sure. I let Declan know because we’re meeting at my place and he insists on being there. He’s still convinced that Brent is interested in me.

Sayge played in Atlanta again this past weekend and Jay gave them the same line up as last time. I wasn’t able to go, but Abbi was. She met up with my Atlanta girlfriends at the show. Declan was upset, but once he saw my study guide for World Economy, he relented.

We talked several times throughout the weekend and he made the guys get up early so he could be home by lunch on Sunday. Harper told me that he received a lot of female attention, but Charlie scared almost everyone away by being her badass self. I think Nate ended up hooking up with a random chick, but she wasn’t invited back to the hotel.

I finish what I need to so I can spend the rest of the day with him when he gets back. We haven’t spent this much time apart since we got back together in October and I’ve missed him this weekend. I tell the girls we need a little privacy in the living room so I can wrap their Christmas gifts, but that when I’m done, they can come in and we’ll have a wrapping party.

I text Abbi and Ella when it’s safe and they join us in the living room with all their gifts. The only thing Declan has to do is occasionally get up to get more wine, tape, or clear the area for more presents.

He and I went in together on a little boy we picked out on the Angel Tree. I picked out the clothes and shoes, but Declan went crazy on the toys. We had a monetary limit, but I think he may have gone over it. The angel tree is a tradition in my house. My parents always picked a child and Robbie and I did the same. Abbi liked the idea so much she talked her dad and Ella into selecting a child and we all have the gifts ready. Robbie is coming tomorrow to pick up all our packages and deliver to the drop off location. When we finish wrapping all the gifts, our tree looks like Santa has already visited.

We cleaned up our mess, chattering briefly about the gathering we’ve planned for this weekend. Our group of friends hasn’t gotten together since my birthday weekend, so I’ve planned a small celebratory party for Saturday night. I invited everyone to come over before we go to The Steamroom. I’m going to celebrate the successful completion of my first semester in Grad school. Kendall, Harper, Charlie, and Abbi only have one semester left before they are officially college graduates.

Declan and I turn into bed pretty early, but I make him tell me every detail about the weekend. He says they had a bigger following from the last show and people actually started asking them if they had any merchandise. He and Cooper have a meeting set up with Jay after Christmas to talk about studio time. According to Jay, if this is the route they want to go, they need to at least have a semblance of a CD to offer for sale. It doesn’t have to be a big production, but they need a few tracks out so they can see how people are going to react. It sounds like a big deal to me, but Declan is nonchalant about the whole thing.

Sayge has a short performance this Wednesday night for an arts fest

ival here in the area. It’s a small venue with all local artists. Abbi is actually volunteering there. They won’t decide on the next festival until after the holidays. For now, he’s going back to the regular schedule around town.

“Sparkle, what are our plans for Christmas?” Declan asks as I curl into his chest.

“I don’t know; I hadn’t thought it out yet. What do you want to do?”

“Well, there’s no question I want us to be together, but we need to think about our families too.”

“I could meet you wherever you are on Christmas Day.”

“What about Christmas Eve?”

“We generally have dinner at my parent’s house on Christmas Eve. The Blacks are invited. Then we get up on Christmas Day and open presents. Once that’s over, I can drive to wherever you are.”

“Am I invited on Christmas Eve, or is it closed to outsiders?”

“Declan Collins, you’re hardly an outsider. Do you want to come?”

“Yes, I want to be where you are. Let’s run it by my dad first, but we can leave your parents and head to his house in the early afternoon. The girls will probably spend the night with him so he won’t be alone, and we can choose between a late lunch or an early dinner.”

“Are you sure? Will he be upset?”

“Not at all. We might need to switch it up next year so he gets Christmas Eve.”

My heart melts. He’s making plans for next year with me already. As always, he reads my face and pulls me into him. Unfortunately, I can’t have sex for about three more days because of my monthly visitor, so I reach between us and rub him through his boxers. He’s already hard, but continues to swell with my touch.

I climb on top of him and lower over his body. I start by kissing his collarbone down to his nipples where I suck gently. My hands move to the waistband of his pants and drag them down. He kicks them off and I to run my fingernails up and down his entire length. Kissing a path down his body, I stop when my lips meet my fingertips and I can see him in his entirety. I circle his crown with my tongue and bite on the barbell. Alternating between sucking and nipping, I play with his tip until he hisses.

“Sparkle, you’re killing me. Please stop teasing.” He begs.

I lower completely down over him and alternate between sucking fast and slow, trying to taste every inch of him. He puts his hands on my head and massages my scalp as I move. I position myself where I can take all of him and he moans when he hits the back of my throat. With his entire cock in my mouth, I massage his balls. The sounds he’s making are turning me on.

I look up at him and see raw desire in his eyes. He’s watching me take him and gripping my head to guide my movements. His apa scrapes against my teeth and he breaks our stare. He throws his head back and whimpers.

“Shit, Raven, I need to pull out.”