Well, that’s disappointing. He didn’t mention having to play both nights. I look at Robbie expectantly and he’s gone pale. He looks at Declan like he’s going to hit him.

“Seriously? You don’t have plans for my baby sister on her birthday? I’ve already got plans, you asshole, and I can’t break them. Not to mention my parents aren’t here either. I thought her fucking pussy whipped boyfriend would have planned something!”

I hear the gasp behind me from the girls and the room gets extremely intense. Then Will decides to throw in his two cents.

“I agreed to one night at the fucking bar, not two. No way am I putting up with that.”

Declan glares at Will. He turns to me and I see the regret in his face.

“Raven, I’m sorry. I expected you to meet me at the bar before all this happened. I’ll call TJ at The Steamroom tomorrow and see if we can cancel, or at least cut the show short.”

Finn starts howling from the floor. He lays back and I see his chest rise and fall with laughter. “Are you fucking kidding me? For the two motherfuckers that love her the most, you both left her hanging on her birthday?” He points to Robbie and Declan. “No need to worry. Tripp, Will, and I will take her out to celebrate. We can find somewhere low-key and get her liquored up. She’ll be taken care of.” Declan tenses up and I feel the need to break in.

“Hey, guys, it’s okay. I’ll call all the girls. Maybe we can plan an impromptu NNN. It’s been weeks since we all talked and Abbi and Ella can join in if they want. Dec, please don’t mess up your show for this. We can celebrate on Sunday.”

All eyes are on me. Will’s eyes glimmer and a huge smile breaks out across his face.

“That’s what I’m talking about! Finally, I get in on Naughty Nightie Night! I knew this job wouldn’t suck.”

Oops, I hadn’t thought of that. The whole living room erupts in protest.

“Not fucking fair! I have been waiting for years.”- Jimi

“You’re a lucky son of a bitch.”- Robbie

“I’m coming in as your backup.”- Gabe

“Me too and I’ll even strap that night.”- Finn

“No fucking way that is going to happen!” Declan practically roars. The whole room goes silent except for Ella giggling behind me.

“What if I do this? I reserve the backroom for only us and Raven’s friends. You already know all of them and I’ll tell the guys in the band that for one night, no outsiders. The room will be stocked. The only reason she would have to leave would be if she had to use the bathroom. You can watch out for her and she can celebrate with everyone as normal. Will that work for you, Will?”

I know he’s upset, but no need to be rude. “Timeout! It’s not a big deal! I’ll be happy right here, Declan. Just come back here when you’re finished. Don’t make any special ar


Will ignores and me and answers Declan directly, “Yeah, that’ll work. Just make sure no unknowns get into the room.”

Declan assures him it’ll be safe and they resume their game. I turn to see the girls smiling like this isn’t the most awkward situation ever.

“Are you fucking kidding me? No way. Jimi, you’re a cheat! I want a repeat.” Gabe tosses his hands in the air calling bluff on Jimi. “There’s a highly improbable chance you have a hit up that hand.”

“Sorry, man, the cards love me tonight. Looks like you can go sit with the girls and watch the big boys play.” Jimi smiles and fist pumps Robbie.

Gabe gets a sly grin on his face. “Oh yeah, I’ll go sit with the girls. Hey, ladies, why don’t we go watch a movie and snuggle.” He shimmies over to us seductively.

I play along. I wink at the girls and add, “That sounds fun, but we need to go to my room because the TV in here is stuck on sports. I think we’ll all fit on my bed.” I jump up a little too enthusiastically and turn to see Declan glaring at me and Jimi turning several shades of red. Yep, Gabe got to them.

We all get up to go, but Declan calls over the couch, “You know you’re talking about my sisters and my girl right? I know there are at least two firearms in this house right now that I can get to if you even try to make a move.”

“The way I see it, big guy, you should probably try to lose so I don’t have too much alone time with them. I can be quite persuasive.” Gabe throws back jokingly.

I laugh and break in, “Gabe, pick a movie and we’ll set up a pallet on the floor. Will, I’ll get you some pillows and a blanket as well. The couch is comfortable.”

“Thanks, Baby Girl.”

We all retreat and I get ready for bed. I finish in the bathroom and go into my room; Declan is sitting on my bed waiting for me.