“Okay, here’s the plan. After the girls get cocktails for everyone and we’re all comfortable, I have some news. Well not news, but a situation.”

I take Abbi and Ella’s hands and rush to the kitchen. I want everyone to know what’s going on at the same time. Finn introduces himself to David as we take out the beer and wine.

When we return, everyone settles in with a drink and I start telling them what I know.

“Well, here’s the scoop. It seems that my dad may have discovered something with a client of his that could be a big deal. He’s still working on the project, but until he’s through, he’s putting a guy on me throughout the weekend for protection.” Declan goes statue-still beside me.

David asks me, “Raven, can you explain a little more about what’s going on? I don’t really understand.”

I can’t because I don’t know anything else. I look to Robbie and Finn to help me out. Robbie takes my hint.

“I’m not sure how much any of you know about my dad’s business, but he has worked all forms of security. He’s not a private investigator, but has one on payroll. He not only handles general security, but other forms of security such as: corporate espionage, inside trading, ransom demands, fraud, all of it. He’s well-known in his business and there is a good chance if he discovers any type of federal corruption, he will call in the proper authorities. When something big happens, people figure out quickly it was him that found it. He’s not hiding behind the scenes; he’s not protected. To him, that makes his kids vulnerable to attack. I don’t know what’s going on with this specific case, but he called and said we need protection through Monday. Finn and I will meet with him on Sunday to see what’s going on. I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about, but better to be safe than sorry.”

The doorbell rings as he finishes his story. I go to answer it because I think it’ll be my bodyguard. Will is standing at the door and I squeal with excitement. I love William Turner. We call him Will because his dad is named William also. I jump up to hug him and he embraces me.

“Raven Haven, lookin’ good girl. How are you?”

“Great!” Then I pause. “Are you my bodyguard for the next few days?”

“That I am. I got my assignment this afternoon. I also heard you were cooking so I guess I lucked out.”

“Come on in. I want you to meet everyone.” I grab his hand and pull him through the doorway. When I turn around, the whole room is quiet. Declan looks like he’s about to explode and Robbie is laughing silently.

Finn gets up first to greet him and Robbie follows. They’ve known each other for a long time and have worked some jobs together. I feel a hand wrap around my waist as I’m yanked into a rock hard body. Declan is so tense that I would have bounced off of him if he wasn’t holding me so tight.

Robbie makes the introductions around the room and stops when he gets to us. “And this, Will, is Raven’s boyfriend, Declan.”

Will’s eyes widen in surprise, but he comes back well. “Nice to meet you, Declan. You’re a lucky man.”

As if on cue, Declan rubs his hands down my arms and grasps both of my hands. “I know.”

I need to lighten the mood. “Okay, so now that everyone has the scoop on what’s going on, I’m going to set out the appetizers and finish my meal. Robbie, check on the oil because it’s going to take a while for the turkey. I was a little overzealous when buying the thing.”

I tug Declan along so he can help in the kitchen.

When I’ve checked on the items in the oven and stirred my peas, I pour another glass of wine. Declan still hasn’t spoken. He’s fidgeting with his watch and I see a tick in his jaw.

“Sweetheart, come here.”

He looks at me and steps over.

“What’s wrong?”

He blows out a breath before he answers. “Babe, I’m not sure how to handle all this. Are you in danger? And who is that guy assigned to you? Seemed like more than a bodyguard to me.”

I see the worry in his eyes. “I don’t think I’m in any danger. This has only happened a few other times in my lif

e. My dad is protective and this must be a big client. I won’t know more until he gets back. As for Will, he’s an old family friend. His dad still works for my dad and I’ve known him a long time. He’s more Robbie’s friend than mine.”

“He’d like to be more.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. He would never. He’s a man-whore and the guys would never let anything happen. He’s purely a friend and a protector.”

“You know I was a man-whore too, but now I have you. I can see he wants you too.” He looks down at his feet nervously.

I rub my hands over his cheeks and move in closer. “You were, but now you’re mine. No going back Dec. Remember, it’s just us and I love you. This’ll be over soon.” I lean up to kiss him and he takes my mouth furiously. He corners me into the counter and I lose all sense of my surroundings.

A series of throats clearing comes from behind Declan. I look over his shoulder and see everyone, including Jimi and Gabe, standing there watching us. Declan grins proudly and I slink back into the counter. He steps back to greet the newcomers and I go back to preparing dinner. There are a few snide comments, but Declan just laughs it off. Abbi tells me I need to wipe my mouth because my lipstick is everywhere. This starts a round of giggles and my embarrassment lessens.