“What’s going on, Robbie?” He looks around before finally looking into my eyes.

“RJ, Dad called today on the secure line at the house. He’s uncovered some serious shit with his friend’s company. I’m not sure of the details yet, but he’ll be home on Saturday night. He wants protection on you until he’s able to get the authorities involved. Finn is coming over later tonight to talk, but he doesn’t know anything either. Dad is assigning protective detail until probably Monday. Tonight included. You need to tell your roommates.”

“Dammit! You don’t know anything?”

“Not yet, but he wants to make sure you and I have a great Thanksgiving. He also wants you to have the best birthday weekend ever. Whatever happens next, we’ll deal.”

“Weirdly, I’m okay with this. Did you bring your gun?”

“Yep, until I see who’s assigned to you.”

“Did you bring mine?”

“Nope, same reason.” He stated matter-of-factly

“ROBBIE HAYES!!!” I scream. “Why not?”

He shrugs his shoulders and gets up to leave. “See you in a few. I think I heard your lover boy drive up.”

I throw a shoe at the door as it closes. It swings wide open again and Declan is standing there with a smirk on his face, “Should I duck?”

“No, baby, you should run; tonight should be interesting.”


When Mr. Collins arrived, he greeted all of his children with hugs. He’s an older replica of Declan. He is fairly tall with dark hair and the same Collins’ green eyes. His smile reminds me of the girls because it lights up his face.

Declan pulls me up to him and introduces us. “Dad, this is Ravenel Hayes.”

I reach out my hand, but he ignores it and sweeps me up into a hug. He squeezes me tightly before letting me go.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Collins. Please call me Raven.”

“And please call me David- or Dad, whichever you please.” He looks at Declan and winks, “You sure did pick a beauty son. She’s a looker.”

My cheeks flush with embarrassment, but before I can slink away, Declan puts his arms around my shoulders and kisses my forehead. “Told you, Dad.”

Robbie walks in from the kitchen carrying a beer. He notices David and extends his hand, “I’m Robbie Hayes, RJ’s brother.”

“David Collins, nice to finally meet you. My children tell me you’re a Marine.”

“Yes, sir, in the flesh. Though now I’m home.”

“Good place to be son. Glad you’re home safe.”

His words mean so much to me and my eyes immediately flood over with tears. I came so close to losing him and for him to be ‘home’ is a miracle. Robbie notices and his eyes go soft. He knows how much his and Finn’s injuries rattled me. He tries to break the tension, “Hey, waterworks, why don’t you play hostess and get everyone a drink. I think we need to talk before I fry the turkey.”

“Okay, what would everyone like?”

The door opens and closes behind me as Finn walks in. He gives Robbie a bro-hug and faces the room. I wasn’t expecting him for a few hours. “Finn, what are you doing here so early?”

“Well Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Baby Girl.”

Shit! I’m so rude. I push out of Declan’s arms and go to Finn to give him a hug. “Happy Thanksgiving! I’m glad you’re here. I was just surprised. How did you get away so early?”

“Well, I ate earlier today with my family and decided I didn’t want to miss your cooking debut. And with all that’s going down, I wanted to be here.”

Declan clears his throat and looks at me wearily, “What’s going down?”