I get out first to let him finish his shower and towel off quickly. He snatches his clothes off the floor and starts dressing.

“You should probably bring some clothes over here to keep.” I blurt out.

“I have clothes over here; they’re just not in your room. I keep some stuff in Abbi’s room, remember?”

“Would it freak you out if I said I wanted your clothes in my room?”

He saunters over to me and pulls me into him. My face hits his chest and I wrap around him.

“No, baby, it wouldn’t freak me out. I was hoping you would ask me soon. And while we’re on the subject, I think you need to pack some stuff for my

place. I know you have your bathroom shit, but this packing a bag each week is a pain in the ass.”

My heart leaps in my chest; my insides are dancing. “That’s a big commitment, honey; you’re notorious bachelor status would die if you let your girlfriend keep clothes in your closet.”

He starts laughing so hard his body shakes against me. “Sparkle, my bachelor status died on the grass in July when I ran you over. You’re the only one that doesn’t see that.”

I look up and smile as he lowers to kiss me. We decide to stay at his place tonight. As I finishing packing a bag, he looks through my stuff and shakes his head.

“What’s wrong?”

“You didn’t pack enough. I want school clothes, work-out outfits, panties, nighties, and whatever else you need. I didn’t mean just a few shirts; I meant enough where you can come and go as you need.”

Oh my! I jump into his arms and kiss him hard.

“Did you think I was kidding? I want your stuff in my house.”

“Okay,” is all I say and pick a larger bag to fill.

We tell the girls good-bye and head out. When we get to his house, we have about an hour before the football game starts. He pours me a glass of wine and talks to me while I prepare us dinner. I tell him about the group project I have to finish in the next two weeks. He gives me the schedule Sayge put together to practice for their upcoming shows. They decided to only do three of the five original offers to get a feel for the audience and the atmosphere. The first show is the weekend after Thanksgiving in Atlanta. I think he’s nervous, but equally excited. The other guys are trying to convince him to sing some original material they haven’t played yet.

After dinner, I get my latest novel and curl up next to him on the couch. When I come across a particularly steamy scene, I think about my day with Declan and wonder if these women write from personal experience. I’m not sure I could ever put into words the way I felt today. I reach up to kiss Declan softly on his neck and roll back over.

I guess I fell asleep because I wake to the feel of my body being lifted and carried through the house. When we reach the bed, Declan lays me down and turns on the lamp. He starts to undress before he notices I’m awake.

“How long have I been asleep?”

“Not too long, but I decided it was time for bed.”

I get up and head to my bag to grab my cami and shorts, but he stops me.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting my clothes to get ready for bed.”

“You don’t need clothes for bed. Not tonight anyway.” He removes my shirt and lowers my sweatpants. His erection is obvious and his eyes are several shades darker than their normal jade. He’s more intense than ever before. “Dec, is something wrong?”

A devilish grin breaks across his face and my body responds. It’s the sexiest look he’s ever given me. “Nothing’s wrong, babe, but I just learned my virginal, wholesome, and innocent girlfriend reads porn. It’s a complete turn on and I want you.”

“I do not read porn!”

“You left your reader on and I looked through a few pages. I came across one particular section involving whip cream, ice cubes, and a blindfold. To me, that sounds like porn.”

“Well, you’re wrong. Contemporary Romance- possibly Erotica, but I don’t read porn. You need to catch up with the literary genres.”

“Maybe you can tell me about this ‘genre’ another time. Right now, I have plans for us.”

I wiggle against him and he hisses at me. “Raven, quit. Tonight, I want to make love to you. I want to end the day with you naked and on top of me with my arms wrapped around you.”