“No thanks, honey, I can handle it alone.”

He whistles through his teeth and Abbi giggles.

After I shower, I decide it’s a good night to be casual. I pull my hair in a messy bun on top of my head and add a little makeup. There’s really no one to impress so I dress in leggings and a t-shirt.

When I come out of my room, I notice the TV’s on Sports Center and all three guys are lounging in the living room.

“You guys need anything?”

“Something to eat, I’m starving.” Finn answers.

“Working on it now, baby. Be right back.” I add sarcastically.

Ella’s in the kitchen taking out the cheese tray I prepared and I get out the platters that need heating up. I notice that Ella’s wearing a strappy sundress and more makeup than I’d ever seen on her before.

“You look mighty fancy for poker night with the boys.”

“Yes, but have you seen the boys involved in the poker night? I think I need to be a step above your average shorts and tunic. And we should make a wager right now. I bet Abbi will flit in here in a sundress and cowboy boots instead of her usual shorts. She may act unaffected by the presence of hotness in the next room, but she’s going to dress to impress.”

“I can understand that; they’re beautiful sights, but wait until you see how serious they are about their poker. I hate to tell you, but it may not matter what you’re wearing. Just be prepared.”

Just then, Abbi walks in the kitchen wearing a flirty sundress and cowboy boots. Ella bursts out laughing and looks at me. “Told you so.”

We get all the appetizers and move to the living room where last year’s SEC highlights are playing on the TV. The guys are involved in an animated conversation about new recruits and dumbass coaches. I don’t really follow their conversation, but nod and pretend to know what they’re talking about.

I’m well into my third beer, laughing with everyone as we swap stories about growing up. Gabe brings out the Jack Daniels and Ella grabs the tequila, lining up shots. I choose tequila. Right as everyone has their drinks ready to shoot, the doorbell rings. I’m feeling pretty good and jump up to answer the door before anyone moves.

I don’t realize my life is about to change forever.

Chapter 4

It’s Him

As I open the door, my knees go weak.

“Holy shit,” I shout a little too loudly.

“Fuckin’ A,” he says back.

It’s him, the god from the park last week, the one with the most beautiful green eyes and chiseled body to match. He’s wearing faded black jeans with a white t-shirt that allows some of his tribal tattoo to show on his arm. I stare with my mouth open while we both drink in the sight of each other. I wonder if he remembers me.

“Fucking seriously?” He states loudly with irritation in his tone “Are you the new roommate?”

I guess he was louder than I thought because all of the sudden I’m flanked on all sides with three very large and intense guys staring at the stranger at the door.

Abbi breaks in. “What’s going on? Why did everyone jump up?” I see her take in the scene as she approaches the front door.

“For shit’s sake, Declan, what’s going on?”

“Is this your new roommate, Abbi? And who the fuck are these other guys?”

Ella flies into the foyer with heat in her eyes, “Declan, yes, this is Ravenel Hayes and her friends.”

We all move to the living room and I look at my shot still waiting for me on the coffee table. I wish I could just float back to my room with the entire bottle of tequila. But as it stands, I’m concerned about trying to put one foot in front of the other.

Ella turns from the middle of the room and calmly looks at all of us. “Declan, this is Tripp, Finn, and Gabe. Guys, this is our brother, Declan.”

Declan is the first to break the silence, “So, Ravenel is it? I’m glad to finally put a name to your face. Did you plan on coming to the park on Saturday?” He’s smirking and Finn tenses beside me.