He laughs. “I think that’s pretty genius. I wish we would’ve thought of that. I bet I wouldn’t have spent half my high school years on restriction.”

There’s a knock at the door and I glance nervously at Declan before going to answer. He gives me an encouraging grin.

Even though I’m nervous, I love my dad and he’ll like Declan. My dad is a man’s man and Declan is all man. Daddy might question the facial piercings, but he won’t say anything to him directly.

“Daddy!” I scream and jump in his arms. “What a nice surprise!”

He picks me up and spins me around before planting me back on the ground. “Baby Girl, you look pretty as ever.”

“Thanks, come on in. I have some food for us in the kitchen.”

When we get to the kitchen, Declan is ready and waiting. Dad gives Finn a quick shake and turns to Declan with an impassive look. He’s sizing Declan up, but he’s polite enough to be discreet.

“Daddy, this is…”

“Declan Collins, sir. Nice to meet you.” Declan cuts me off and reaches out to shake hands.

“James Hayes. So this is Declan Collins. Hate to tell you kid, but I’ve heard your name before.”

Oh no! Robbie and mom. I forgot all about them and I’m not sure mom knows we’re back together. I haven’t called her this week.

“I hope you heard good things.”

“Not all, but some.”

He’s going into daddy defense mode. I see him stand a little straighter and cross his arms. He’s an intimidating man, but Declan is still a few inches taller than him. “I heard there was a misunderstanding after the gala, but you were working things out. My son told me you met for a few beers and had a plan on how to get my baby girl back. Plan must have worked out well seeing that you are here at 10:30 on a Friday morning.”

“Yes, sir, she was gracious enough to give me another chance. I won’t screw this one up; you can count on it.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“Um, Daddy, you want some coffee?” I need to break up this little talk because I’m starting to feel uncomfortable. Finn is enjoying this immensely. I roll my eyes at him and motion for him to step in, but he shakes his head at me.

“Yeah, buttercup, black and I’ll also have some of that fruit and a bagel. I’m starving.”

Once everyone has a plate and is seated, I can’t take the suspense anymore.

“Daddy, I’m really glad you surprised us, but it’s a little unexpected. Is everything okay?”

“Absolutely! I wanted to get you and Finn together to talk about a few things and I’ve never seen your place. Meeting your boyfriend was just an added bonus.”

Daddy didn’t even stutter when he called Declan my boyfriend. I guess Declan will live to see another day.

“We need to talk about the Veteran’s Day Parade and Events and Thanksgiving plans. Your mom will be hosting a private luncheon for the local wounded warrior wives and I wondered if you could help. You can invite your friends too. It’s a good way for these women to network and meet others that share similar situations.”

“Sure, you can count on me. I’ll touch base with Mom this weekend and get a plan together.”

“Great. Finn, are you interested in being in the parade? I talked to Robbie and I think you both should think about it.”

“No go, old man, but I’ll help you out if you need extra security.”

My dad sighs. It was great of my dad to try, but the answer is always the same. Finn and my brother are both very private about their time in the Marines. They don’t want any attention, but they volunteer to help behind the scenes.

“Okay, I’ll let you know about the security. I think we have it handled, but I’ll find out. We’re always extra cautious with large public crowds. Since the Boston Bombing, the city officials are on high alert. Now let’s discuss Thanksgiving. I hate to say it, but I think your mom and I will be out of town. I need to scope out something for an old friend. We’ll be gone through the weekend, but we can celebrate before or after. I thought you and Robbie could spend Thanksgiving Day with Finn’s family. Just figure it out and let us know what is best for the two of you. Sorry we won’t be here for it.

“That’s fine, Daddy. We’ll figure it out. All the girls will be home and I think Max will be back. Maybe I can cook something here and have our own Thanksgiving.”

“Whatever you decide is fine as long as you’re not alone.”