“Not since the day I met you. I guess I’ve known for a while you were going to be mine.”

“Wow, I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything. Come lay on my chest and let me hold you.”

I roll over on top of him and listen to the sound of his heartbeat. I’m almost asleep when I hear him murmur, “All mine”.

Chapter 25


I try to roll over but my entire body is entwined with Declan’s. We’re skin to skin except for the tiny fabric of my boy shorts and I’m suddenly aroused. I lift up to see his eyes staring at me.

“Good morning.”

“Yes it is.” He squeezes my arm. His voice seems a little off, but I can’t pick up if it’s concern or anger.

“Is there something wrong?”

I try to unwrap myself, but he holds on tight.

“Nothing really wrong, I’ve just been watching you and thinking about something we said last night. Raven, when you said you were falling in love with me, I shouldn’t have told you the feeling was mutual.”

He sees the tears well up in my eyes and he shifts so my entire face is in his hands. I have no choice but to stare straight at him. I’m such an ass. I shouldn’t have ever said anything.

“Don’t cry. What I should have said was I love you too. I wasn’t kidding about you catching up. I think I have loved you since the night you picked that stupid movie for us to watch. I wanted nothing but to make you happy. And subconsciously, I think I knew you were the perfect girl for me.”

The tears fall down my cheeks, but they’re happy tears.

“There were only three women in my life that I loved before you. One was my mom, and the other two are my sisters. I love you in a different, deeper way and these feelings are foreign to me. I want to be a better man for you. I want you to be proud of me. I want you to be happy all the time, and I want our dreams to be the same. I don’t want to be without you. I love you.”

It takes a second for me to find my voice, “I love you, Declan Collins.”

A smile passes his lips and he leans down to kiss me. Things quickly escalate and I’m on top of him rubbing my body all over his. I need him again. My phone starts ringing in my purse, but I don’t dare move to get it. Then my message alert pings several times in a row.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. Who has the worst timing in the world?”

“Sparkle, you don’t have to answer it. Whoever it is will get the hint in a minute.”

“Honey, you do realize that most of the people who call me have access to the GPS tracking system on my phone. If I don’t at least check it, we might get the FBI at your door in less than twenty minutes.”

I roll off him and fumble for my phone. I have three missed calls and two texts from Finn.

Finn: 425! ETA 1 hour- he wants me there too- no idea why.

Two minutes later

Finn: RJ, where are you?

“Oh my God, we have to go now. You have to take me home.”

Declan jumps off the bed in a mad rush. You can hear the panic in his voice. “Baby, what’s wrong. Is everything okay?” He reaches for his jeans.

“Finn has been trying to warn me, code 425.”

He stops pulling his shirt over his head and I’m digging through my bag for my yoga pants and t-shirt.

“Raven, is someone hurt?”