“A while, I’ve been enjoying you.”

“What about me are you enjoying?”

“You wrapped around me. Your sweet breath against my chest and the way your eyes flutter when you’re dreaming.”


“My thoughts exactly.”

I lift up and swing over the bed. I motion towards the bathroom and he lets me go.

In the bathroom, I rummage through my things and find a tie for my hair. I brush my teeth, use the bathroom, and wash my face. When I come out, the bed is empty. I find him in the kitchen making coffee.

“Dec, something occurred to me after our conversation last night. If I’m the only one to ever be here, how did Sami know where you live?”

“Great question, I certainly didn’t tell her. I don’t think Cooper would have told her so I can only guess she looked it up. I’m listed.”

Creepy! I don’t want to think about that so I change the subject quickly.

“I like your house. It’s nice for a bachelor pad.”

“Bachelor pad, huh?” He grins.

“Well, it seems a little big for just you. Have you always lived here by yourself?”

“Yeah and it is a little big for me, but my sisters used to stay here before they got their own place.”

“Did you decorate it yourself?”


“What do you mean?”

“All the living room furniture, the office, and the guestroom were me. The girls picked out my kitchen dishes and accessories. I only just re-did the bedroom due to recent influence.”

“What recent influence? I thought you said I was the only one who’s ever

been in your bedroom.” I think I feel bile in my throat. Am I that gullible?

“You are the only one to sleep in my bed and spend time in my house. Abbi and Ella have been here and Abbi recently helped me pick out new bedding.”

He must see me relax because he teases me, “Were you jealous?”

I shrug and look around to avoid the question. “What was wrong with your old bedding?”

“Nothing, I wanted something new. My stuff was slightly mismatched and I wanted to have the best for you. So I got new sheets, new pillows and some sort of duvet. Abbi said you liked soft sheets. I picked the color because it reminded me of your eyes.”

“You did that for me?”

“Yep- though I personally think six pillows is a little extreme since I want you to sleep on my chest every night.”

“Then why?”

“I was told specifically that you don’t like to share your pillows.”

“YOU TALKED TO ROBBIE?” I shriek. Robbie’s one of the only people who knows how I am about pillows.

“Yeah, he and Finn helped me out a little bit.”