“Good, that’s what I wanted to hear.”

Chapter 23

It’s Only You

Sunday morning we all sit around the kitchen drinking coffee and talking about last night. I think Charlie has a crush on Blake. She gave him her number and asked him to come to Atlanta when he had time. Abbi and Ella confirm that he’s not a man-whore like Nate and Cooper are. The conversation turns to me and the girls want to know what’s happening.

“Well, I’m sure you girls pretty much guessed that I forgave him. We’re having dinner tonight to talk and figure out our next step. I’m pretty crazy about him, but I don’t want to be naïve. There are some things we need to figure out.”

“What kind of things?” Questions Harper.

“Well, I have to get over the fact that he’s the lead singer in a band that has a following. We’ll have to plan our weeks out because of our different schedules. I need to try to forget that he has screwed more girls than I care to know about. And, I need to make sure he wants me too.”

“I think this weekend wholeheartedly proved he wants you. His apology couldn’t be more sincere and it sounds like you know he didn’t cheat on you. You need to back down and have some fun with this. Last night was intense; he laid himself down in front of at least four hundred people. He sang one of your favorite songs directly to you saying he needed you. I think you have your answer.” Kendall states.

“You’re right.” I smile brightly and decide to change the subject. “Who wants pancakes?”

The rest of the morning goes by quickly. We strip all the sheets and start the laundry. Since I was the host, I get to pick my area to clean and I choose the living room. The others spread out around to house. In less than an hour, all of us are done and my Atlanta friends start packing up. When I walked them to the car, we all say our goodbyes and agree to plan something for Thanksgiving break. I think my first official hosting duties of Girls’ Weekend was a success!


I drive up to Declan’s at 5:30. He’s waiting on the front porch and rushes down to help me with my things. He sees I only have one small duffel bag and he

frowns at me.

“Where’s the rest of your stuff?

“All I needed fit into this bag.”

“You can’t possibly have everything you need in that little bag.”

“Declan, it’s only one night.”

“Not if I can help it.”

When we get to the front door, he leans in and kisses me gently. “Thank you for coming tonight.” Then he leads me into his home.

I look around the room and realize this is not what I had expected at all. He doesn’t have a foyer, but the main room is open and airy. Unlike our house, it isn’t overly decorated. He has black leather couches that face a wall with a huge flat screen. Underneath the TV is a cabinet filled with several gaming systems. There are two end tables and one has a lamp on it. It’s masculine, but comfortable.

“Come on. I’ll give you the tour,” he laces his fingers with mine and takes me down the hall. There are two guest rooms with a bathroom between them. Only one bedroom has a bed and a dresser. The other is filled wall-to-wall with music paraphernalia. Two guitars are leaning against their stands and journals are stacked on the floor. There’s a computer system set up in the corner on a desk that is flanked by two bookshelves filled with albums, books, and picture frames. This room is a reflection of Declan’s personality. The reading, the music, the writing journals… all of this is a piece of him.

The last room in the back is the Master bedroom. It’s even bigger than my room. He has a king- size bed that sits against the main wall with windows on each side. A six-drawer chest with another flat screen TV on top sits opposite the bed. The only personal items in this room are three framed photos on his nightstand next to the bed. There is one thing that surprises me and that is his bedding. He has a shiny blue bedspread that resembles a duvet and sits two inches high off the bed; it looks almost feminine. Guys don’t usually mess with duvets, do they? I also notice the six pillows stacked against the headboard. I look at him and he winks at me. Then he points to the Master bath that’s through a small doorway. He drops my bag on the floor and leads me back to the kitchen.

I smell the unmistakable aroma of Italian. The kitchen is intimate with a small bar and a four person seating area in the corner. What catches my attention is the romantic set up on the bar with two perfectly placed settings and a huge bouquet of wild flowers in the middle.

I turn to Declan behind me and hands me a glass of red wine while he wraps his other hand around my middle.

“Are you hungry?”

“Starving, what are you making?”

“Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad…”

“Oh my God, that’s my favorite!”

“I know.”

He starts fills our plates and motions for me to sit down. I open my mouth, but he quickly places his fingers on my lips to silence me.