“Um, Declan, it looks like you’re with me tonight.” His face lights up as he stands.

Tripp grabs his arm and turns to face me. “RJ, he can sleep out here on the floor. Kendall and you will be fine in your room.”

Kendall lets out a sigh, “Tripp, for God’s sake, they’re not going to have monkey sex in the other room. Everyone is drunk as hell and we’re not fighting about this.”

Tripp lets go of his arm, but gives him a glare. “One more shot man, that’s all you get. If she gets hurt again, you have all of us to answer to.”

“I appreciate it brother, but nothing to worry about. If she takes me back, I may NEVER let go.”

I’m not sure what he means, but I like the sound of it.

We head to my room and I air kiss Tripp and Ken goodnight. Before we go to bed, I know I need to say something.

“Dec, we still need to talk. I’m too drunk to talk tonight, but I need to know what happened.”

“Sunday night at my place. I’ll make you dinner and tell you everything. I will beg, grovel, and plead to you for a chance to make this right between us. But tonight, I just want to hold you and wake with you in my arms.”

That sounds good. “Okay.”

He takes off his shirt and jeans and gets into bed in his boxers. He pulls me on the bed directly into him. He kisses my forehead and says, “Sweet dreams, Sparkle.”


My phone rings in the bathroom, but I don’t have the energy to get up and answer it. Then I hear Finn’s phone start ringing in the living room. Coincidence? Who needs us both this early in the morning- or afternoon? I have no idea what time it is.

Warm arms wrap around my middle and I remember Declan is in bed with me. I start to move away, but decide I like the warmth instead. I lean closer into him and he squeezes me tight. He’s awake.

“Hey,” I say with sleep still in my voice.

“Hey back. Go back to sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Why aren’t you asleep? What time is it?”

“I’m not sure of the time, but I’ve been awake for a little while.”

“Can’t sleep?”

“Admiring my view. You’re cute when you sleep.”

“You’ve been watching me sleep again? Isn’t that a little creepy?”

“Maybe it is, but it felt peaceful. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get back to this place.”

“Dec, maybe we should talk about-“

“Shhh,” he presses his fingers to my lips. “We’ll talk tomorrow night. For now, just let me watch you. You really are beautiful.”

Fuck it, I reach up to kiss him and there’s a banging at my door. We both jump.

“RJ! 311 situation! ETA ten minutes! Are you awake?”

DAMN! “I am now. Be right out! You take the kitchen; I’ll get the living room.”

I jump out of bed like it’s on fire. I reach for a pair of sweats and yell at Declan, “Get up, get dressed, and get to the living room.”

I run to my bathroom and he looks stunned.

“What the hell is going on? What does 311 mean?”