ew Jack Swing, you find a lot of eighties-nineties influence. Since he and Raven used to date, he knows what we like.”

Shit! Kendall and her big mouth. I haven’t told them about Adam and me. “It was nothing really, we’re better off friends than we ever were as a couple. And besides, he got over me real quick.” I close the subject before anyone can ask any questions about it.

“Did you tell Declan anything about tonight?”

“No, I didn’t really know about it until last night when Finn called and told me Kendall planned this behind my back. We have so many things to talk about, and I think my dancing in a club is a very low priority. Besides, he probably has plans tonight and the East Nashville dance scene isn’t his style.”

“Do you want me to text him?”

I think a minute and decide this could be a very bad thing. Our dances aren’t G-Rated. “Abbi, I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Let’s just go have fun and tomorrow night we’ll see him at The Steamroom. He told me he left our names to get in.”

She seems satisfied and we all head out to the car. It’s a tight fit in Kendall’s SUV. I’ll ask Finn to drive some of us home later. Hopefully Robbie isn’t with him tonight because he doesn’t handle this type of thing very well.

We get to Scene 6 and it’s packed. Finn’s at a table with a few guys sitting around it. I push Abbi, Ella, and Charlie to them and tell them we’ll be right back. We need to go backstage and sign up and see who’s here tonight. As soon as we step into the room, I hear Kendall hiss behind me. Shit, shit, shit! The room is packed and I see tons of people we used to know including Kendall’s ex-boyfriend, Jason, in the corner. She must have seen him too. They broke up a year ago when he cheated on her and it took her six months to date again. Obviously, we didn’t know he would be here.

When we get back to the table, Kendall is spewing. She’s screaming but I can’t listen to her because my heart just jumped into my throat. Declan is standing there with a frown as he takes in my outfit. I reach out him and bring him in close to hug him. I guess the initial shock wears off because he squeezes me back.

“I would ask you what you’re wearing, but I see the other two are just as over the top. Is there something you want to tell me?”

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to surprise you, but now I need to know what’s going on?”

I start to tell him, but I stop because Adam is heading to our table. “Later,” I mouth to him and he nods.

Adam approaches and he gives Charlie, Harper, and I a hug. Declan tenses behind me, so I grab his hand lightly and squeeze. I move up between Kendall and Adam. Harper is right beside me. Finn notices the tension and gets up to come around closer.

“What the fuck, Adam? Did you set this up? Are you fucking crazy?”

“Calm down, Ken. I had no idea. From what I can tell, all the groups found out y’all were dancing tonight through Facebook. I guess word got around. I’m sorry.” Adam stops talking and looks around to find me. “Raven, you look great.”

I know Declan is already on edge. Even though we haven’t talked through everything, I don’t want this to escalate.

“Thanks, Adam, but this is really shitty. You should have called to give us a warning that Jason’s here.”

Kendall can’t hold back any longer, “It’s more than shitty; it’s fucking fucked up. That dick cheated on me with some skank. He made me look like a fool. I can’t believe he’s here.”

Adam winces, “I’m really sorry. You can always stay away from him.” He raises his hands in defeat.

She seems to soften a little, “Come here, you fucking weasel, and give me a hug.” He walks over to her and they embrace. I can’t tell, but I think she kisses him on the cheek.

“Um, excuse me, but what just happened?” Ella claps to get everyone’s attention.

“What just happened is that my dickhead ex-boyfriend is here and probably with the same bitch he cheated on me with. So tonight when we dance, I need to show him what he gave up. This just became a Hoedown Throwdown.”

“Oh my gosh, this is just like South Park!”

I turn to them, “I need to stretch like now so I can do flips later.”

Finn pulls me to him. “I don’t like this. Who’s back there?”

“I’m not sure who everyone is.”

“I’m coming with you. I want to see faces and the registry list. Your parents will kill me if they find out about this. Remember the phrase “staying low-key”? This is anything but low-key. Kendall looks like she’s ready to detonate. What if there’s a brawl tonight? Your parents will kick my ass!”

Declan asks over all the chatter, “Can someone please tell me what the hell is happening?”

I take his arm and point to the table, “Abbi can tell you everything. We’re going to join the dance performance tonight with some of the old groups we used to dance with. One of the guys is Ken’s ex and he treated her like shit. I need to go warm up and get our music settled. Finn will be back in a minute if you have any more questions. But I need you to promise me something, say you promise.”