“Well, RJ, you’ve been so down lately, I thought it was a good idea. And these local clowns think they know how to dance. We’ll join in and show them how it’s done.”

“You didn’t think to ask me about this?”

“Nope. I haven’t met this guy yet, but it seems he’s sent you into a downward spiral. I decided you needed to get out of your funk. Y’all already decided a few weeks ago we were going to the new club in East Nashville. I set us up so we’re dancing tomorrow night at the show.”

“Are you kidding me? I haven’t done a show in almost two years. What have you done?” I ask almost in hysterics.

Kendall looks shocked for a second, but she snaps out of it pretty quickly. “I don’t know what this boy has done to you, and I don’t want to go there, but you are going to dance tomorrow with us. You ARE going to move forward. I love you and we’ll get through this.”

Before I can stop myself I scream out, “FUJIMO BITCH!”

She throws her head back laughing, “That’s what I’m talking about! Now, I think it’s time for a game.”

“What does FUJIMO mean?” Ella asks the group.

“It means ‘Fuck You Jo, I’m Movin’ On!’” Kendall answers.

Just like that, we’re back to normal. I order the pizza and we draw straws to see who will get the door. I lose and smile knowing I’ll shock the shit out of the guy who delivers.

For our first game, we decide on Truth or Dare. Since I drew the shortest straw earlier, I also get the first question.

Kendall asks: Have you slept with a guy since leaving Emory?

This is easy.

Me: Yes.

Ella: Charlie, truth or dare?

Charlie: Dare.

Ella: Call the pizza man on my phone and tell him to bring condoms.

Charlie: Done!

We watch as she calls him and asks for the condoms. Her face goes blank as he responds to her request, but then she smiles and tells him to bring extra ribbed for her pleasure.

I howl out loud because I know the guys who deliver to us and they’re usually teenagers.

Abbi: Harper, truth or dare?

Harper: Truth.

Abbi: Do you have a crush on one of the hot-tourage?

Harper (blushing): Who is the hot-tourage?

Abbi: Any of the boys? The roommates, the brothers, or specifically, Gabe?

Oh fuck! I haven’t even asked her that.

Harper: Yes, but I reserve not to answer whom it is.

Abbi: Fair enough!

Charlie: Rave, truth or dare?

Shit! Why pick on me? Abbi has yet to be yanked.