I eat and then head back to my room to read his note.


I can’t stop thinking about you. I know I’m a total jackass, but I need you to believe me. Nothing happened with me and Sami and I would give anything to go back and fix everything. Even though I’ve only know you for a short period of time, you are so special to me. I don’t deserve it, but if you would just forgive me I could breathe easier. I never lied to you. You are the most perfect girl I’ve ever known. At night, I dream of waking up to finding you in my arms. I’m crazy for you.

I know this is girls’ weekend so I hope you enjoy the flowers. The Stargazers remind me of you for many reasons. They fill a room with beauty and their smell is exquisite. To me, that is you. I miss you so much. Have a great time and know that I’ll always be ready to talk when you call. I won’t give up.



I swipe the tears off my cheeks and pick up my phone. After the third ring, I don’t think he’s going to pick up so I get prepared to leave a message. On the fourth ring, he answers. “Raven?”

“Hey, Declan, I got your note and flowers.”

“I’m glad; I wanted to knock on your door, but didn’t want to bother you.”

I can’t swallow when I hear the tenderness in his voice. “Declan…” My voice cracks.

“Raven, please don’t cry. I’m so sorry. I want you to know that. You have no idea how much you mean to me.”

I calm down enough to talk without sounding like a baby, “I was thinking that maybe we could get coffee or lunch next week. This weekend is pretty busy, but I have some time next week.”

“Next week sounds nice. I’ll be available anytime.”

“Well, I’ll text you on Monday and we can set it up.”

“Raven, I know things have changed, but I left your group name at the door if y’all still want to come on Saturday night. I won’t do anything to make you uncomfortable, but I’d love to see you.”

“Let me check with everyone and we’ll let you know. Thanks again, Declan”

“My pleasure, Sparkle. I miss you.”


Finally late afternoon arrives and I hear the honking from the street. Abbi, Ella, and I run to the front porch to greet all the girls.

“This place is fucking RAD! I feel like I just drove up to a Homes and Garden magazine!” Charlie screams and Abbi smiles with pride.

When Kendall exits the car, Abbi and Ella gasp. I should have warned them. Kendall is stunning. Her dad is Samoan and her mother is South African. She has caramel skin, but deep blue eyes. She is average height, but her body is rock solid with toned legs and heavy curves. And her hair has a natural wave that falls to the middle of her back. It goes without saying, she’s a guy magnet.

“Fucking shit, isn’t this just perfect?”

I fly off the porch and into Kendall’s arms. Even though we talk often, I’ve missed her so much. She’s like a sister to me. Harper and Charlie join our hug and before I know it, I’m crying.

Charlie breaks away first, “No alcohol and already there are tears. What the hell am I missing?”

Ella walks up, “You have no idea. Thank God we have all night to talk.”

Harper looks around, “You have a great place; it looks like Martha Stewart does

your landscaping.”

I finally catch my breath. “Nope, but Abbi Collins does and she’s awesome!”

We all laugh and get their bags out of the car. We take them in the house and deposit them in my bedroom. Then head to the kitchen.

Even though Kendall hadn’t met my roommates before, they settle around and act like longtime friends. Everyone is laughing as Harper grabs the tequila from the freezer.