“Thank you, Sissy.”

When I look up, both Abbi and Ella are staring at me with wide eyes. Before I can even ask them about ordering drinks, a round of Cosmopolitans is delivered to the table.

“Ladies, these martinis are compliments of the bartender. Enjoy.”

I glance over at the bar and see Damon smiling at me as he pours drinks. I smile back and wave.

“Okay Raven, please tell me who the godlike creature behind the bar is and tell me he’s single.” Ella purrs.

“I’m not sure of his relationship status because we just met tonight. He’s related to the owners and works a few shifts a week. His name is Damon.”

“He looks like he wants to devour you. You should give him your number.”

“Ella, shut up.” Abbi breaks in. “So Raven, tell us about you.”

“Well, let’s see. I was born and raised a little south of Nashville. I went away to Emory immediately after graduation and finished in May. My parents still live here and my dad owns his own business. My brother recently came back to Nashville after serving in the Marines for the last seven years. I came back not only for the MBA program, but also for my family. I loved Atlanta, but Nashville is where I need to be right now.”

“Why are you looking for a place off campus to live?” Abbi asks.

“Well, I’ve always lived on campus in either dorms or campus housing. I want to live in a place that feels like a home and has character instead of just an extension of the classroom. All of the other places I’ve lived the last few years lacked personality. I’m ready to change that. I have several girlfriends still in Atlanta that got a place together for their senior year. Since I fast-tracked through school, I never got the opportunity to move-in with them.”

“Well that sounds fine to me. I can understand needing space and character. I’m an Art Major and by definition, an ‘artist’. I cannot even function in a place void of personality,” explains Abbi.

Ella raises her glass, “I say we toast to new opportunities.”

We all raise our glasses, being careful not to spill the contents as we clink and laugh. Even though I know Ella isn’t old enough to legally drink the Cosmo, I don’t let on. Instead, we drink our drinks and talk about living in campus housing. When it comes time to order our dinner, the three of us are at ease with each other. Damon sends another round of drinks over and I turn to toast him. He raises his hand in acceptance. I learn about each of their majors and their school schedules. Even though Abbi attends Belmont, her schedule pretty much mirrors both mine and Ella’s. As an Art Major, Abbi is encouraged to volunteer at the local and national artist events around the city. In return, she’s received extra- credit towards her final grades. As a Nursing Major, Ella volunteers at VMC in any capacity she’s needed. She only spends about ten to fifteen hours a week at the hospital, but she says it’s a way for her to inch closer to deciding on a specialization.

I explain to them that I’ve spent time with diverse charities, but recently decided to focus my time with those groups that provided assistance to veterans returning from war. I don’t have a specific group I stick with, but I’ve attended various events.

As we finish our second round of drinks, the food is served. We continue to get to know each other as we eat.

“Raven, I know it’s none of our business, but are you dating anyone? Do you have a boyfriend?” Ella asks and seems embarrassed.

“Well first, don’t be embarrassed about asking. Almost everyone thinks that Finn and I are a couple, but we aren’t. Finn is a special person to me and he’s like my brother. I know how hot he is and I enjoy looking at him, but it’ll never happen. As for any other boyfriends, the answer

is no.”

“What about the hot bartender that can’t take his eyes off you? He seems interested.”

“Well, he is gorgeous, but not my type.”

“Wow, I’d let him take me home for one night,” whispers Ella. “He could fuck me and leave me and I would probably brag about it to anyone who would listen.”

I laugh so hard that I choke on my water. Sissy runs over and starts hitting me on my back. She is speaking rapidly in Italian and I don’t understand anything she’s saying. As I try to catch my breath, Damon appears and looks concerned. He starts to speak, but I cut him off. “I’m fine; I started to laugh as I drank and the two didn’t mix well. I swear I’m alright.”

He looks at me sideways and hands me a stack of napkins to wipe my mouth. Everyone starts to walk away and I look at Ella and Abbi with a smirk. “Okay ladies, I know you don’t know me too well, but I made an ass out of myself. It’s been a long time since I’ve snorted in a restaurant.”

“Well, brace yourself, Raven. Before you wipe your mouth with that napkin, you may want to read the message underneath the phone number Damon discreetly slipped in your hand. If you aren’t interested, you should introduce me.” Ella says smiling.

“Okay girls, let’s move this to the bar and have another drink. Then we can get to the good stuff.” Abbi speaks up.

“Sounds good to me. Let me tell Sissy where we’ll be and she can bring the bill to us.” I look around for Sissy and wave her over. “Can you please keep our leftovers in the back for a few minutes while we have another drink at the bar? And if you want, you can bring us the bill and we can start a tab so the waiter can close out.”

“Ravenel Hayes, you’re family. You do not pay for your meal. We’re just so glad to have you back and I hope to see your family again. I miss Robbie and I know he’s home for awhile. You accept this meal with your friends as a welcome home and remember to come back soon.”

My eyes swell with tears as I realize she’s heard about Robbie’s accident. She considers us a part of this restaurant family and she wants to see him soon. I clear my throat as I try to conceal my emotions, “Sissy, you’re too good to me and the only reason I’m not arguing with you is because I respect you. I will also promise to try and get Robbie and Finn here with me as soon as possible.”

“I’ll look forward to it.” She hugs me and walks away.