He’s still facing me in the mirror and I can tell he wants to talk.

“Raven, are you okay with last night?”

I nod as I see the beads still running to the edge of the towel.

“This takes things to a new level. I planned on taking things a little slower, but you drive me fucking crazy. Watching you come was exactly like our first kiss; I felt fireworks. I was trying to be patient, but now we’re moving in a new direction.”

I’m not sure I know what the “new direction” is. I’m concentrating on the fact that I’m getting wet and he’s behind me in nothing but a towel. He must know this because he kisses my temple and steps back.

“Now that we got that out of the way, do you want some coffee?”

“Yes, with skim milk and a dash of sweetener.”

Once I’m dressed, I meet him in the kitchen where he has my coffee ready with a banana and piece of peanut butter toast. I smile at him and look around for signs of anyone else being home.

“I think the girls are still asleep. I heard them come home pretty late.”

“Wow, I can’t believe I slept through that. I’m typically a light sleeper.”

“Exhaustion can do that to you.” He winks at me and grabs his keys. “Come on, I’ll drop you off on my way home.”

I get all my stuff and head out the door. When we get to his truck, he opens the door and puts his hands on my waist.

“I want to try this again; can you come see the band on Thursday night? I promise it’ll be a different scene than your first visit. I need you to come.”

“Sure, I’ll be there.”


Thursday night arrives and I’m getting ready while Ella runs around with a pitcher of Margaritas. It’s the third week of September and we have fall break in a month. I talked to all the girls and we decided on having girls’ weekend on break. I can’t wait for Abbi and Ella to meet my friends. I already told Finn and the other guys that they were coming and to plan on hanging out one night.

We meet in the kitchen and I whistle through my teeth at both girls. They look like they just stepped off the cover of a magazine. What stands out the most is their piercing green eyes the color of jade. They’re the same eyes that Declan claims me with every time I see him.

We pile in Ella’s car and head to The Steamroom. When we get there, the place is already crowded and we go straight back to where the band is hanging out. As soon as we enter the room, I stop dead. It isn’t the same room I remember from last month. Everyone here seems to have a place, either with the band or as friends. It’s much cleaner than the last time I was here and I don’t see the Band Bunnies anywhere.

All the guys from Sayge are sitting around a sectional. Declan spots me immediately and rises to walk toward me. I’m frozen in place because he’s so breathtaking. Even though I saw him on Tuesday morning, it’s like my body forgot how hot he is. I start to overheat and can’t move. When he gets to me, he picks me up and forces my legs around his hips. This seems to be his signature move for greeting me. He claims my mouth in a desperate kiss that has me gasping for breath. When he starts to release me, there’s a collection of catcalling from behind me. I slam my face on to his neck and feel the heat creeping in my cheeks.

“Don’t be uncomfortable baby; they know I’ve been waiting for you all night. They’re just trying to embarrass me, but I don’t give a shit.”

I whisper in his ear, “You should probably put me down now.”

He lowers me down, but doesn’t let go. He kisses my nose, takes my hand, and tugs me to the couch. The guys are staring at me with amused faces.

“Are you going to piss in a circle too so no one messes with Raven while she’s here?” Laughs Cooper.

I laugh out loud with the rest of them, but notice Declan isn’t smiling.

He shrugs nonchalantly, “If that’s what it takes. I’m not sharing her.”

I lift my shoulders and look at Abbi and Ella. They’re staring at me wide-eyed, but neither says anything.

“Dec, can we get a drink?”

He looks down at me, “Absolutely.”

When we get to the open bar area, I grab the bottle of tequila, pour two shots, and sprinkle some salt on my wrist. He watches me as I lick it and take the shot. Then he reaches out for my wrist. He pours some more salt on me and licks it before drinking his own shot. It may be a small gesture, but it’s incredibly erotic. We stare at each other for a few minutes. I’m the one to break the silence.

“Not that I’m complaining, but do you want to explain what that was about?”