“Raven,” Declan growls.

“I’ll be right back.” I shut Finn and Robbie in my room and turn around with enough force to hit Robbie in the chest, sending him back against the wall. “You just embarrassed the hell out of me! How dare you?”

“Who is that motherfucker?”

“I think we established who he is; what do you want to know?”

“Why the fuck did he have his hands on your ass and his tongue in your ear? Are you fucking crazy?”

I take a minute to get myself together. I’m not sure how much I want to explain, but I know I’m on weak ground here. “We’re seeing each other. Nothing serious yet, but we are seeing each other.”

He turns his attention to Finn and roars, “What the fuck, Finn? I thought you were watching out for her? Who is this douchebag?”

I see Finn flinch, but only slightly. “Rob, I just found out myself, but I checked him out. He’s clean and I already know about the family. You need to calm down.”

I decide right there that I need to have a talk with Finn, but at a later time.

“How dare you?” I screech at both of them. “I like him. I’m not sure where this is going, but because of you, I bet nowhere.” I poke my hand in Robbie’s chest and push.

“I’m able to make my own decisions. You need to go out there and apologize, now!”

He looks at me for a brief second, “Finn, man, we need to talk. She needs to be safe and I don’t want her dating some street thug…”

I lose it. “Fucking street thug? You are incredulous. Declan is a college graduate with a band. He’s smart, caring, protective, and hot! You need to go back to Mom and Dad’s and keep your ass out of my business! He wants to take his time getting to know me, meaning my interests, my friends, my school, and everything. I should kick your ass for humiliating me! You need to leave. Call me when you get your shit together.” Then I point to Finn, “You and I are going to talk tomorrow! I’m going to calm down, but prepared for an ass-chewing like you’ve never had before!”

I turn to leave, but Robbie isn’t done. “RJ, I may have been an asshole, but you’re my little sister.”

“For fucks sake, Robbie! I’m still a virgin and you’re still riding my ass. I finally found a guy I like and you’re ruining it! Get your shit together, walk out there, and shake his hand.” Dammit, I just told my brother I’m a virgin. I’m such an idiot.

He flinches, but stares back at me. Minutes pass before he seems like he’s calmed down. Finn grabs his arm and starts out of my room. Finn looks at me with passion in his eyes, “I may have just found out about this, but I don’t like it. He seems like a good guy, but if he fucks you over, I’ll kill him myself. I’ll watch how this plays out, but you call me if you need me.”

I nod and tears pool in my eyes. “Robbie, Finn? I love you both, but please don’t worry about me.” They both look at me and smile.

We hit the kitchen and everyone is in a festive mood. Jimi, Tripp, Abbi, and Ella are doing tequila shots. They seem oblivious to the earlier drama. Declan’s sitting to the side with a beer and watching everyone around him. I walk to him and settle on his lap. He situates me so my head’s lying on his shoulder. I edge my way to his face and he looks at me. I press my lips against his, trying to display that I’ve missed him. He instantly moves his lips against mine and wraps his hand around my head. Someone clears their throat behind me and I look up. Robbie is inches away from us. I freeze again.

“I’m Robbie Hayes. My sister tells me you’re seeing each other.” He reaches out his hand to Declan.

It’s a declaration. Declan can either deny or retreat. But either way, the whole room has turned to watch us. I’m sure that Robbie has messed this up for me. I get nauseous again, but it has nothing to do with a migraine

“Baby, move off my lap,” Declan says into my ear. He just called me baby!

“Declan Collins.” He extends his hand to my brother and they shake. “You could say we’re seeing each other.”

“She’s a part of my heart. We’re a protective bunch. You need to know when you date her, you date all of us.” He motions around the room. “She’s special and I mean that in the most emphatic sense. I would say it’s nice to meet you, but you have to earn it.”

I almost die because all the boys have gathered next to Robbie. I try to step in, but Declan urges me behind him. “I’ve only known her a short time, but she has taken over my mind. I promise you, don’t worry.”

I sink into the chair and watch this play out in front of me. Then I look at Abbi and Ella and their stunned expressions. I feel like I need to break in.

“Um, guys, want a few beers before you leave?”

Tripp steps up, “No, Raven Haven, we’ll get out of your hair. I have plans for us tonight. Glad to see you’re feeling better.” He turns to leave and hits Jimi and Finn on the arm. My brother stares at me and then opens his arms. I leap up and go to him. He gives me a huge bear hug.

“RJ, be careful.”

I swallow my tears; he’s used to being the man in my life. “I will, now please, leave before you scare off my possible boyfriend.”

He leans over and whispers in my ear, “Possible boyfriend my ass, that boy just laid down for you. He thinks of you as his. And by the way, your roommates are hot!”