I wonder what she’ll arrange since she never cooks. As a matter of fact, I’ve never seen her grocery shop. Robbie comes in the room with his keys and motions to the front door. I jump up and follow him to his truck.

“Well RJ, one good thing about this is that I get to finally meet your hot roommates and see your house. Sorry you had to get sick.”

“I know, but thanks for bringing me home… Wait, how did you know my roommates are hot?

“The guys told me that you three could stop traffic if you tried. Apparently, Jimi and one of them have a thing.”

I know it’s Abbi so I don’t bother to ask. I think she’ll tell me if she wants me to know and I don’t want to get in the middle. I’ve been watching the guys hook-up with girls for years and I’ve been in the middle of some shitty situations. As soon as one of them brings a girl around me, she decides she wants to be best-friends because it’ll help the relationship. I have more ‘fake’ friends than I do real ones. Once the boys get tired of them, they cling to me thinking I can change their minds. But with Abbi, I’ll kick Jimi’s ass if he screws her over.

I lean back in my seat while we head north and think back on the last few days. I have several messages and texts from Declan. He’s been so sweet.

How are you feeling?

Have you eaten yet?

When are you coming home?

Can I come see you?

Missed you at the show, had plans to show you off.

Call me when you feel like it.

And then there’s the last one.

I miss you. Can’t wait to see you.

The first night I woke up after passing out, I read his first message over and over… “Let me take care of you. Let me take care of you. Let me take care of you…” Each time I read it my heart fluttered. I had answered all of his text messages except that one. It was so intimate and raw. I wasn’t sure how much he meant it, but I knew he was upset I hadn’t told him how bad I felt that morning. I know he found out about me from the girls, but I wasn’t sure how much he told them about us. My plan was to lay low until we could talk.


As we drive up to the house, I see Finn’s truck. Jimi, Tripp, and Finn are waiting on Robbie. I jump out and hug each of them, then head inside. As soon as I walk in, I’m engulfed in two sets of arms holding me tight.

“We’re so glad you’re here!” Both of them screech at the same time. I hug them back and laugh out loud.

“Jesus, it was just two days. I’m fine. No need for drama.”

“Raven, we know you’re fine, but I was terrified when I found you passed out on your bathroom floor. I had no idea what was wrong and all kinds of terrible things went through my mind. You do realize I’m a nursing student, right? I’m thankful it was only a migraine.”

“Ella, I’m sorry I worried you. And believe me, it wasn’t just a migraine. It was the worst one I’ve ever had.”

As I let them both go and step back, I instantly feel him in the room. I look over their shoulders and he’s standing there with his arms crossed over his chest with a small grin on his face. He looks me up and down with heat in his eyes. Both girls part and I have a direct path to him. I run to him and throw my arms around his shoulders. He braces and picks me up without hesitation. My legs wrap around his hips and his mouth is in my ear. I feel his ring gliding over my lobe and my body reacts.

“Don’t you ever send me away to play fucking football again when you’re sick. I mean it Rave; let me take care of you.”

I don’t even get a chance to respond before there’s a roar behind me.

“Who the fuck are you and why is your tongue in my sister’s ear?” Shit! Robbie. I forgot we had an audience. So much for being subtle. I try to dislodge myself, but Declan only lets me slide off of him before he tucks me underneath his shoulder.

I need to diffuse the situation quickly before things get ugly. “Um, Robbie, these are my roommates, Abbi and Ella. And this is Declan Collins, their brother.”

I feel Declan go tight at my side and I wonder if I said something wrong.

“RJ, I asked him a question.”

Declan slowly releases me and starts toward Robbie who becomes tight right away. He raises his hand in gesture and says, “To answer your question directly, I’m Declan and I was telling Raven how glad I was that she’s home.”

“With your tongue in her motherfucking ear?” I swear he’s spitting fire. “RJ! Your room now! Finn, you too.” He starts forward without acknowledging any of the Collins family. I reach for him and shove him into my room and everyone looks at us with weary expressions.