“Shit, shit, shit! Why can’t you stay away from our roommates, Declan? Why? You have a different girl every night. Hell, you can call Sami day or night. Why do you insist on going after the one girl that we have to live with? We’ve become good friends with her!” Abbi screams at me.

I’m going to have to control this before it gets out of hand. “Both of you need to fucking listen to me now. This is nothing like what you think. I’m not sleeping with Raven. I really like her. This is different from anything I’ve ever felt and I want to get to know her. I was a complete dick to her at The Steamroom and again the other night. I came over to talk to her without you nosing around. We had a great night, without sex, and I stayed over.”

“Did you just say you spent the night…”Abbi starts.

“…and without sex?” Ella cuts her off.

They look at each other with wide eyes and both of them start laughing at the same time.

“I don’t see what’s so funny. I haven’t been with anyone in a long time. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get Raven to notice me after the incident at The Steamroom.”

“Okay, okay. If you promise not to fuck this up, we can be supportive. But the minute you jack up, we have the right to kick your ass, and we tell Dad.”

“E, I can honestly tell you, if I fuck this up, I’ll kick my own ass and tell Dad. She’s different from anything I ever expected and I’m not talking about sex. She makes me want to do things like dates and relationships and shit. I told her I’d take it slow, but honestly, it kills me that she called Finn today when I was here earlier. I could have helped her.”

“Don’t take it personally; she wouldn’t let us help either. Finn said she was embarrassed.”

A cell phone dings and I know that one of them has received a message. Abbi reaches for her phone. “Finn says she’s sleeping fine and her mom got a pill in her. She didn’t wake-up for long, but wanted us not to worry. He’ll keep us updated.”

Okay, this was good news. I look at her phone and quickly memorize Finn’s number. I’m going to call him myself shortly to hear if there’s any other news.

“Since Raven is sick, our plans are canceled. Are you playing tonight at the bar?”

“Yep, y’all wanna come?”

Both girls nod. “Sure, we’ll be there.”

“Out of curiosity, what were your plans tonight?”

They share a quick look before answering. “We were going to this cool Italian place for drinks with Raven. The bartender has a crush on her and we encouraged her to talk to him.”

“I can assure you those plans are canceled and not just because of her migraine.”

They roll their eyes at me, but smile.

I give the groceries to my sisters and head home. Before I start the car, I send a quick text to Raven.

I heard you’re sick. Sorry I wasn’t here to help. Next time, please let me take care of you.

Chapter 13

Tell Me I’m Not Imagining This

It’s been two days since my migraine and I finally feel normal and ready to go home. I ask Robbie to drive me since Mom and Dad are out and I don’t have my car. He tells me to be ready to go in an hour and calls Finn to make plans for the night. I take a shower and get dressed, noticing the whole time that my clothes are hanging lose on me. I haven’t had any real food since Friday night and even that was thrown up. I send a text to Ella to let her know I’ll be home soon.

Me: Ella, I am coming home in a little while. Finally feeling human again.

She responds right away.

Ella: Awesome! Do you need us/me to come get you?

Me: No, my brother’s making plans with Finn. He’s bringing me. I should be there soon.

Ella: See you then. Do you think you’ll be hungry?

Me: Ravished. Haven’t eaten since Friday night.

Ella: I’ll arrange something. See you soon? xoxo