Hah! Fuck you Declan Collins. I won’t be played!

I pour myself a large glass of wine and start Magic Mike. Just as the music starts, I hear the backdoor open. At first I think Abbi or Ella has come home, but then I remember we were just texting. Surely Abbi would have mentioned it if she was coming home. I reluctantly get off the sofa with my phone in my hand in case I need to call 911. I immediately stop. Declan is standing in my kitchen unloading Chinese Food. His hair’s damp. And when he turns to face me, I notice his ring in his lip. He looks edible. My mouth starts to water.

He looks me up and down and slowly smiles. “You look incredible, Raven.”

Shitballs! I forgot that I’m wearing short shorts and a cami. There’s no doubt my nipples are poking through the top.

“What’re you doing here?”

“I know my sisters are at Dad’s house tonight.”

“So? Is this becoming a pattern with you?”

“I didn’t like how we left things last night and I wanted a chance to talk to you. Well actually, let me rephrase, I didn’t like how you walked out on me last night and I wanted to talk to you.”

I stare at him, not sure what we have to talk about.

“I was a dick last night and I came to apologize. I was out of line.”

“Wow, okay. That’s nice, but you could’ve called.”

“Not the same as seeing you in person. I needed to see you.”

“I’m not sure what to say to that, Declan. I’m not sure I even want to respond. I show up at 2:30 in the morning at my home and you basically accuse me of sleeping with a group of guys that have been my friends forever. Then once again, you ask about Finn when I have repeatedly told you we’re not together. You go hot then cold on me and I’m not sure where I stand. A few weeks ago, you stepped into my bedroom and asked me to come and watch your band. Then you give me the hottest fucking kiss in history. The next time I see you there’s a bimbo hanging off your arm trying to fuck you in public.” I keep going. “I appreciate your apology for being a ‘dick’, but I’m not sure why you needed to see me.”

One minute he’s unloading food and the next he’s in my face. He grasps the back of my neck with both hands and pulls me as close to him as possible. “Hottest fucking kiss in history, huh? Let’s see if we can re-create that.”

Then he’s kissing me. At first it’s gentle as he nibbles on my lips trying to gain access. When I relent slightly, he goes all in. His tongue thrusts into my mouth with ferocity and he takes all he can. I hear a slight whimper and realize it’s me. I forget all about why I’m pissed and lean all the way into him. I raise one hand to run through his hair and use the other hand to hold myself up. I grab onto his bicep and hold tight. Before I know what’s happening, he’s slipping his hands down to my hips and urging me to latch my legs around his hips.

As soon as he lifts me, he moves to the counter and sets me down. He doesn’t stop kissing me. I feel the lip ring and it turns me on even more. I shift and start to run my hands down his chest. He pauses for a minute, but then starts to run his hands up my sides to the underside of my breasts. I tingle all over. I’m not sure if you can have an orgasm from just a tender touch, but I’m close.

He stops his han

ds from roaming and slowly ends our kiss. He nibbles on my lower lip and looks into my eyes. I still have my legs wrapped around his waist even though I’m seated on the counter top.

“Fuck,” he hisses as he continues to stare into my eyes. “That was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever felt. I’ve missed that electrifying feeling over the last three weeks. Please tell me you forgive me for being an asshole.”

I come back down from my high and realize I’m still hanging on. I make a move to unwrap my legs and he tightens his hold.

“No, don’t move. Please, just sit with me like this for a few more minutes. I need you to listen to me.”

I slowly nod my head. I’ve lost all my nerve in his arms.

“Raven, I’m an asshole and I don’t deserve anything from you. You’re smart, sweet, sexy as hell, and incredibly gorgeous. I thought about staying away, but you draw me back. I know I have a sordid past that makes you hesitant to give in, but I’m asking you, give me a chance? Please give this a chance.”

I finally find my voice, “Give what a chance, Declan? What are you asking?”

“Do I have to spell it out for you?”

“That would be a good idea since I want to hear exactly what you’re asking.”

“Shit, woman. What I’m asking is that you give me a shot with you- as in a relationship. I want to take you on dates. I want you to come to my shows and sit in the front where I can stare at you as I perform. I want to take you to yoga on Saturday mornings and bring you home. I want all the guys to know you have a man.”

My mouth drops open and it takes a minute for me to form words. “You want all of that? With me? We haven’t spent that much time together. You don’t even know that much about me. And it sounds a little possessive that you want people to know I have a man.”

“That’s why I’m asking you to give me a chance. I want to get to know you. I want to spend time with you- a lot of time. I’m spellbound by you. I can’t stop thinking about you. I know I’m not good enough for you, but I want to try. Can you give me that?”

“This is completely unexpected, Declan. You’ve taken me by surprise.”