I quickly set the alarm and lock up the house. When we get to the driveway, I notice the huge Yukon.

“Is this your truck?”


“It’s huge!”

“Heard that before.” He says and winks at me.

“Oh my God, did you just make my comment about your truck into a sexual prowl?”


I stay silent as I hop in. I’m not kidding; you can fit eight people in this truck.

“In all honesty, I have this big thing because it fits a lot of people and I can haul things in it. When I travel with the band, we like to ride together so this was a good choice.”

“Sounds practical.”

“What kind of music do you want on?”

“Well, in my class we listen to Zen sounds for pure concentration. So I like to listen to pop or rock before I go in.”

“I don’t really do pop so rock it is.” He sets the station to hard rock and the famous sounds of Led Zeppelin come through the speakers.

He finds a parking spot close to my yoga studio and we make plans to meet back at the truck at 11:15. Before I get out of the truck, he gently runs his hand down my cheek and whispers, “Sparkle.”


When I get to Declan’s truck after class, I notice I have two missed calls and three texts.

Both calls are from Abbi’s cell phone, but the texts are from Abbi, Ella, and Finn. Since Declan isn’t here yet, I decide to answer Finn’s text first.

Finn: Where are you?

Me: Was at yoga- heading home now.

Immediate reply.

Finn: Great, let’s head out about 8:00 tonight. I’ll pick you up.

Me: Perfect

Then I answer Abbi

Abbi: Where are you?

Same answer.

Me: Was at yoga- heading home now.

Another immediate reply.

Abbi: Great, hurry up. Ella and I need to talk to you ASAP!

Well, that’s nerve-wracking.

Me: Everything okay?