A slow grin slides across his face. “I guess you’re right, but we should keep that between us. I have an outside reputation to keep.”

I focus in on his lips again. This time he comments.

“See something you like?”

I think I nod, but I’m not sure.

“Raven, I have good intentions here, but stop fucking staring at my lips. I’m about two seconds away from slamming you against that door and wrapping your legs around my hips.” He growls.

I was already hot, but now I have images of Declan pressed up against me with my legs wrapped around him. Without thinking, I lift my fingers and slowly run them across his jawline. I lick my lips and look into his eyes. I’m not sure what my next move is, but I hope he takes over. My knees are weak and I’m pretty sure I’ve stopped breathing.

The next thing I know, his fingers are in my hair and he’s pulled me up to him so that we’re face-to-face; electricity’s flowing all around us. He slowly lowers his mouth to mine. When our lips touch, they’re on fire. I slink my hands up into his hair and he runs his hand down my back. He gently starts to nibble on my lower lip, asking for entrance. As soon as they part, his tongue jets in with desperation. I meet him thrust for thrust. Our mouths move over each other in a rhythm that’s hungry and almost primal. His hand reaches around to my ass, yanking me forward. I’m begging him not to stop kissing me. He tastes like beer and sugar. I feel the metal of his ring is cutting into me and I don’t care. I keep twirling my tongue with his, hoping he can feel what I’m doing. Suddenly, he pulls back and places dove–like kisses over my lips. He moves to my earlobes and down my jawline. I can’t move; I’m cemented to the spot. I’m still massaging his head while t

rying to catch my breath. When he moves back to my lips, I see the lust in his eyes. I watch him, hoping he can see the same in mine.

Then he breaks our spell. “What the fuck was that?”

Oh no, he hated it. I don’t have a ton of experience, but I like to think I know how to kiss. Suddenly, I’m trying to think of ways to back up and slink to my room. Judging by his tone, I don’t think he enjoyed that as much as I did.

“Did you feel that?”

I’m not sure I can speak, but I try. “Feel what?”

“I’m pretty fucking sure a spark of electricity just ran through my body. Not just a sparkle, but a complete bolt. All from a fucking kiss. I didn’t want to pull my tongue out of your throat, but I was scared my ring was going to pierce you.”

I nod.

“Jesus Christ, I knew you were beautiful and sweet, but I think I can add sexy as hell to that.”

I feel my cheeks start turning red. I’m trying so hard not to jump him right here in the foyer, but I might fail.

“Raven, I swear to God, I don’t want to leave, but I have to. I have no intentions of fucking you up against a door and that’s where this is leading. But I’m not fucking leaving without another kiss.”

This time, he bends his head to me and I immediately comply. Even though he isn’t as ravenous, the spark is still there. He has my hands pinned behind me before I can even protest. As his tongue meets mine, he groans. I lean my body against him tighter, but he pulls away.

“I’ll see you at 8:30. Lock the doors and turn on the alarm.” Then he turns to leave.

I think I hear him mutter ‘sparkle’ as he walks away.

Chapter 8


When I woke up this morning, I was scared to death. I’m still full of anxiety and might just pass out from it. I’m not sure how I should act around Declan. What if he gets here this morning and decides that last night was a mistake? What if he remembers it differently?

I dress in my favorite purple work out gear and toss my hair in a high ponytail. Since it’s so early, the girls aren’t home yet. I leave a note on the counter and walk into the living room to wait for my ride. Even though I turn on the news, I can’t drown out the thoughts running through my head. The doorbell rings and I grab my stuff to go.

Once I open the door, I’m suddenly calm. Declan’s standing on the porch wearing athletic shorts and a ratty grey shirt. He looks delectable. He’s removed his lip ring, but I can still see the small hole where it belongs. His whole body takes up the doorway and he towers over me.

Suddenly he leans into me and places a quick kiss on my cheek. He whispers, “Good morning, Sparkle.”


“I decided when I got home last night that ‘Sparkle’ was your new nickname from me. I’ve never in my life had as much spark during a kiss as I did with you. Every time I say your new nickname, I want to remember that.”

“Okay, I think that’s a sweet thing?”

“Yes, beautiful, it’s a sweet thing.”