“Content of your conversations?” He interrupts.

“Well yes, I told Finn I’d embarrassed the shit out of myself so he could get a good laugh. And, well, I told your sisters over drinks on our first night out. We were talking about hot guys and dating and hookups so I ended up telling them how I landed flat on my ass that morning under you. Of course, at the time I didn’t know you were their brother.” Oh my God. Did I just tell him we were talking about hot guys and him? Yes, I did. I feel the blush rise up in my cheeks. I’m such an idiot.

“So, you and my sisters were gabbing about hot guys and you decide to mention me? Are you telling me I’m hot?”

“Nope, I needed to add something to the conversation so I told them about you.” I smirk back at him.

He’s teasing me and I know I’m going to overheat, but the gleam in his eyes as he stares at me is too intense to turn away. I grin so I don’t have to talk.

I feel my cheeks burning and decide I need to go to bed before I embarrass myself further. “I think I should go to bed. It was a nice night. Nice to meet you.”

He looks a little puzzled, but nods his head. “Sweet dreams, beautiful, I’ll see you in the morning.?


Okay, I feel dizzy. Not sure if it’s because he called me beautiful or if it was the drinks. Looking straight into his eyes, I smile slightly and go to my room.

It takes me a while, but once I finally fall asleep, I dream of green eyed rockers with tattoos and perfect lips.

Chapter 5

Good Morning

Needless to say, I wake-up pretty worked up from my dreams, so I think a run is a good idea. Even though I prefer yoga, sometimes a good run is better. I dress in my hot pink sports bra, a tank top, and running shorts. Then I put my hair up into a ponytail. I finish getting ready in my room and get my IPod off the speaker.

The house is super quiet, but I see a light on in the kitchen as I step into the living room. As I walk in, I have to bite my lip so I don’t gasp. Declan has his back to the counter with a cup of coffee in his hand and he’s staring right at me. He’s gorgeous in his clothes, or lack thereof. He’s wearing black running shorts that hang low on his hips and no shirt. I swallow hard because drool has started to accumulate. I’m in a trance. I slowly lift my eyes from his tattoo covered chest to stare into his eyes. He’s watching me intently with a small grin on his lips.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

I realize he’s talking to me, but I can’t form any words. I continue to stare.

“Where are you off to?”

Finally, I realize he’s waiting for my answer. “Today seemed like a nice day for a run. So I decided to get it over with early so I could be ready when Finn and the crew arrive.”

“A run?”

“Yes, a run. Generally speaking it’s walking, but at a faster pace.” I snap back.

“Fuck me. You’re beautiful and full of piss. This is gonna be fun. I know what a run is, but what I don’t understand is how you went to bed less than six hours ago and here you are looking like you do at the crack of dawn.”

“Well, I didn’t sleep too well. And after all the food and liquor I consumed last night, it seemed like a good idea. But what did you mean ‘looking like you do?’ What’s wrong with the way I look?”

I start to get self-conscious because he obviously has a great body with amazing structure and I’m not exactly sure what he means.

“I meant you look hot.”

Oh, well, okay, that was nice. My heart rate starts to speed up to join my already racing mind.

He’s still staring at me as he asks, “Do you want company on your run? I try to work out in the morning too. It makes my schedule easier.”

I squeak my answer, “Sure, that would be great. But where are your running clothes?”

“I keep a few items in the girls’ rooms for when I need them. Just give me a second to get some shoes and I’ll be right back.”

“Um, Declan, don’t you need a shirt?”

He starts towards me slowly. He gets about two inches away and breathes, “I don’t know Raven. Do I need a shirt?”