As the night goes on, the guys bring out their guitars (Declan and Blake) and we head to the pool area to hang out. There’s another group of people already partying when we get there. It’s dark out, but when I see the light blond hair, I recognize Anna from school. She’s with a nice looking guy and a few other couples.

“Hey Anna, funny running into you here.”

“Hey, Raven. What are you doing here?”

“Declan’s band is playing at a winter festival tomorrow. What about you?”

“Wow, we’re here for the same festival. My cousin will be joining us tomorrow. She loves one of the bands playing.”

“I’ll look for you. Sayge goes on at 3:30 so if you’re around then, come watch them.” I see her flinch slightly but she nods her head politely. We chit chat for a few more minutes before I say goodbye and walk back to where our group is hanging out.

Our little jam session quickly grows as other people hear the music and join us. Before long, Declan is taking requests and there are cheers after every song. This goes on for about an hour before we call it a night. Nate talks Abbi and Ella into using the sofa bed in their suite so he doesn’t have to share a bed with Cooper or Blake. He gets his bag and leaves with them.

When Declan and I get into bed, he situates me so I am partly on top of him. I lay my head on his chest and lightly trail my fingertips over his tattoos.



“I know you’re going to be great tomorrow and I want to tell you how proud I am beforehand.”

“Thanks, Sparkle, I’m glad you’re here.”

“No place I’d rather be.”

“I love you.”

“You too. Sweet dreams.”


Jay arrives with a massive envelope of stuff. We all get our backstage passes and the guys have to fill out some forms for the organizers. We go over the festival maps, parking instructions, safety tips, times for performances, and the after show meet and greet. The meet and greet is nothing formal. It’s just an enclosed area where fans can go to get autographs and take pictures after each performance. The music organizers like to keep them to a fifteen minute maximum so the area is empty for the next band to start. Even though Sayge isn’t a well-known band in this area, Jay explains that the audience always loves to get autographs in case they’re the next big hit. The last tidbit of information is there’s a group of rock bloggers there that will be interviewing the group offstage. Their following consists of thousands and Jay encourages the guys to do their best to impress them.

The guys follow Jay to his car and I grab my purse. When I walk out to the parking lot, I’m surprised to see Declan smoking a cigarette with Cooper. He’s obviously stressed out. I sidle up to him and throw my arms around his waist.

“So now you’re a smoker?”

“Yeah, when I’m stressed I smoke a little.”

I lift up to kiss him. I nibble at his lower lip when he starts to pull away.

“Don’t be nervous. You guys are awesome.” I take his keys and unlock the doors to the truck.

I jump into the front with him and everyone else piles in the back. Since we only have one parking pass, the eight of us have to ride together. Ten minutes later, we’re pulling into the assigned parking area. The place is already packed. We check in and drop off the guitars, then go find some place to eat.

After lunch, we head in different directions. Declan follows me as I browse the vendor booths. I have an hour before I need to meet Charlie, Harper, and Kendall near the stage.

I stop in front of an artist who has done amazing things with hand crafted wind charms. It’s perfect for Abbi. It would look great on our front porch. I buy one for her and my mom for Christmas gifts and head over to a jewelry booth. I help Declan pick out some pretty pieces for his sisters. We make our way to meet my friends so we can watch the band that plays before Sayge.

The grassy area in front of the stage is already crowded and the small dancing area in front is filled with bodies cheering on the current group. We decide to stand where we are and watch. Declan situates me in front of him with his arms around my waist. I’m not paying attention to anyone else but him when I feel a pinch on my arm.

“Hola’ bitch!” Harper smiles at me.

I reach out to hug my three friends. They give Declan a kiss on the cheek and join us watching the opening group.

“What do you think of them?” I ask Declan.

“I think they’re pretty good. Their drummer is a little off with h