“Guys, I love you, but you realize we’re coming back here with you tonight.”

“Well, yes, but you can also wear these again.”

“Hot damn! I agree. Let’s get her dressed and ready to go. My margarita’s gone and I’m ready to party.” Charlie says as she finishes putting on her boots.

The group leaves me alone to finish dressing. I get my black clutch and head to the kitchen to meet the others.

The guys have shooters lined up on the counter. They look like Pink Panty Pulldowns, but I couldn’t swear on it.

Robbie circles me and tells me how beautiful I am before he says to the group, “Shoot ‘em back and back slap.”

I know what he means. I lift a drink and shoot it, then slap the closest ass to me- which is Finn’s.

“Baby Girl, watch out- I might like that.”

“You are such a flirt, but to me, you’re my first flirt.” Finn grins and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

Our crew finishes our drinks and gets ready to leave.



When we get to the bar, Declan has arranged for us to park around back and go in through the side doors. Once we are parked and out of the car, I text him to open the doors. They fly open immediately and he runs over to me. He hugs me tightly as the others filter in beside us.

“You look incredible. Even in my wildest dreams, I never imagined it looking this good on you.”

I turn to him and lift to his lips. “Thank you, you look pretty hot yourself. As a matter of fact, I think you and I have a date behind the stage tonight- don’t forget it.”

“Oh, you have no idea, but come in- there’s one more surprise.”

“Declan, you didn’t-”

He interrupts me, “No, I didn’t, but your boys did. Go see.”

I take his hand and walk into the room. There are two large tables against the far wall. One is filled with food and the other is a full bar. I look around trying to see what might be considered a surprise but don’t see anything. Then the crowd shifts a little and I see Max standing there with a present in his hand and his eyes on me. OMG! He’s home again! I take off running to him and land in his arms before anyone else can get to him. The crowd forms, but he holds onto me, true Max fashion.

“Happy birthday, Baby Girl!”

“Max, I’m so glad you’re here- for so many reasons- thank you.”

“Anything for my, Raven Haven. When I found out what was going on, I knew I had to be here tonight.”

I blush, “Max, I can’t even leave the room tonight. And if you find someone you want to bring backstage- that can’t happen.”

“Robbie filled me in on what’s going on. I don’t plan on leaving the room tonight. This is your birthday and we’ll just party back here.”

Declan semi-growls behind me. “Nice to see you again, Max. Glad you could make it. “

“Thanks for having me. Sorry I missed last night. Heard it was the shit.”

“Yeah, we had a pretty good time. The karaoke was a hit.”

“Well, let’s get the birthday girl a drink. What’ll it be?” Max motions to the bar and Declan and I follow him.

Once I have my drink, I find my girlfriends. I want details on last night; I’m pretty sure Jimi stayed over at my house.

“Hey, hooches, what are y’all talking about?”