“Not funny and don’t change the subject. Is my humiliation a humorous topic for discussion around your house?”

“Not really, but it’s a funny story and the best part is that you were half dressed and ended up on the ground under a stranger.”

“Yeah, Rave, honestly, it’s hilarious that a complete stranger got you in that position when we’ve all tried for a week. I can’t say I’m not jealous of Declan for his good fortune. Maybe now, you’ll take our advice and put on some more clothes.” Tripp adds.

I’m not sure if my mouth drops open or I scream first. “I can’t believe y’all! I’ve known you almost all my life. I have more dirty secrets on you than anyone else. You decided tonight is the night to embarrass the shit out of me? Right now I’m going to kick ass in poker. And then next week, I’m getting revenge. I suggest you lock your doors.”

I turn around to face Finn and Declan to finish the game. I hear slow whistles from Jimi, Tripp and Gabe. Declan looks at me amused with a twinkle in his eye and Finn just laughs out loud.

“Sweet Baby Girl, you can try to kick my ass in poker, but I’ll be taking your money tonight. Robbie would expect nothing less.” Finn states matter of factly as if I didn’t just throw a rant.

“Okay, back to the game.”

It was useless; I lost my concentration. I’m out after two more rounds. Since I got flustered, I lost the ability to read Finn’s tell. I sit back with a fresh beer and plan my revenge against these assholes for embarrassing me.

As we watch Finn and Declan battle the last few hands, it’s apparent Declan knows how to play. Finn ends up beating him with a straight flush. Everyone cheers, but I suspect it may be more from inebriation than actual celebration.

Jimi, Tripp, Gabe, and Finn get ready to leave. Jimi and Finn stopped drinking a few hours ago so they are driving Tripp and Gabe home. They are leaving Gabe’s Rover here until the morning.

I walk all the guys to the door and give each of them a hug and kiss on the cheek. I thank Gabe and Tripp for their help moving. “We’ll miss you, RJ. Come visit this weekend,” slurs Tripp as he walks to Jimi’s truck.

“Love you, Tripp, but I’ll be enjoying my own bed and bath this weekend, without Finn guarding the door from intruders.”

“You’ll miss me, sweetheart.” Then he shuts the truck door.

I walk Finn to his truck with my arms through his. “Thank you so much for everything, I know that I can be a drain on you sometimes, but you are truly one of my best-friends in the world.”

He puts his forehead to mine, “Raven, you’re important to me. I consider you family and will do anything for you. I’m a bit sorry that I told the guys about the park and that they ragged on you, but it was funny as hell.”

He kisses my cheek and gives me a quick hug. He waves as he drives away.

As I walk back into the house, I realize I’m going to be spending the night in my new place, with my new roommates, in my new room, and I couldn’t be more excited!

I walk into the living room and Declan’s sitting on the sofa flipping through channels. He smiles up at me and offers me a beer.

I sit down next to him. He tells me the girls have gone to bed and he’s staying on the couch. Though I don’t think he’s drunk, it’s good to be cautious. We sit in silence for awhile watching a Law & Order rerun. After about ten minutes, he asks, “So are you and Finn together?”

“No, it’s a common misconception though.”

“He seems pretty into you, even watched you share his dinner tonight.”

“Like I said, not together in that way. Been friends a longtime and he’s an extended member of my family.”

“Hmm, what about the other guys? Are you with any of them?”

“Nope, just friends; been staying with them the last few weeks. It was easier for me to acclimate to the campus. I’m from the area, but haven’t spent a lot of time here. Also, my parents travel a lot and my brother is busy, so I wasn’t so lonely staying at their place.”

“Good to know.”

This confuses me in a way, “Good to know I wasn’t lonely, or good to know I’m not involved with them?”

“I guess both, but mostly good to know you aren’t hooked up with any of them.”

I want to clear the air a little about earlier. “Declan, I don’t want you to think I’m crazy or anything.”

“Huh, why would I think that?”

“Well, it was obvious that I told your sisters and Finn about us meeting at the park. I’m not a crazy stalker, and the content of our conversations led me to telling them I had …”