My phone dings with an incoming text, and I smile.

Bryce: For the record, I think chasing after your man is hot!

Me: I’m still hoping someone can bail us out if we get arrested for stalking.

Bryce: I had money ready, but it won’t be necessary.

Me: Why?

Bryce: Call me when you get to the hotel.

“You coming or what?” Quinn asks, opening my door.

“No, I’m the getaway driver.”

She looks at Dean’s front door then back to me, her eyes full of fear. Without words, I know what she’s saying.

“Oh, okay. But I’m warning you now, if he says something ugly, I’ll jump his ass.” I stomp to his front door and stand to the side.

Her hands visibly tremble as she runs them though her hair. All color has drained from her face. She doesn’t get a chance to ring the bell because the door flies open, and Dean hauls her into his body. His lips crash down to hers, and she whimpers weakly.

My mouth drops when his hands slide down her waist and hips, hoisting her legs to wrap around him. They disappear in the doorway, and I stand there awkwardly. My stomach clenches with a touch of envy because that was fucking hot.

I give them two minutes before walking inside the still open door. Apparently, my timing is perfect because Dean ends the kiss and rests his forehead against Quinn’s.

“Dickhead, jackass, fucking douche, tool, asshole— you name it. I never should have talked to you like that. Jesus Christ, as soon as we hung up, I knew my mistake.” He sits down with her still attached and tilts her head back, threading his fingers in her hair. “This has been the longest day of my life, waiting for you to drive up.”

From this distance, I swear his eyes look moist. He loves her—truly loves her. It’s written all over his face.

“How’d you know I was coming?” she asks hesitantly.

“I was coming to you, packed and ready to leave when I got the call. After getting my ass chewed for five minutes, Bryce finally let me explain. Then he told me to get ready because the Quinn and Devon duo were in full effect.”

Dean finally acknowledges my presence with a small smile. “It’s shitty to upset the woman I love, but it’s downright dangerous to upset the woman Bryce loves.”

I shrug and fight back a grin. “He’s kind of protective. Doesn’t like me to be upset.”

He nods and turns his head back to Quinn, who’s biting her lip anxiously.

“If I didn’t get that phone call, I’d have been on your doorstep last night, begging for your forgiveness.”

“So you don’t want a break?” she whispers.

“That was a stupid knee-jerk reaction.”

“What about the maturity thing? Our age difference?”

“I’m the one who acted immature. The age thing was a lame excuse.”

Instantly, the heat in the room changes, and the sexual tension burns deep.

“Umm, I’m going to go now… Quinn, call me tomorrow.” I back toward the door.

“Wait.” Dean slides a paper across his coffee table toward me. “This is your reservation information.”

I review the sheet and blink a few times, confused. “This isn’t mine.”

“It is now. You’ve been upgraded.”