“Absolutely. I couldn’t be happier. Damn, I’m going to miss this.”

The excitement disappears, remembering he leaves at four am tomorrow for Rhode Island. Our communication will be severely limited with our schedules.

“Don’t do it, Devon. I can feel your attitude changing. Don’t lose that spunk.”

I take in a deep breath and clench the phone tighter. “I’m not going to let you miss this. I’ll make a point to do as many videos as possible and send them to your phone. You can watch them when you’re not busy.”

He laughs again, and it hits straight to my heart. I wish I could record that sound.

“All right, that’s a good plan. Now, tell me more about what you’re doing, hotshot. What’s the plan?”

I read him the agendas and different areas we’ll be going. We stay on the phone a while, me not wanting to let him go. Finally, he makes me hang up when my words start to mumble from exhaustion.

“Behave yourself, Devon Marie, and remember, I’m your number one fan,” he tells me before whispering he loves me and hangs up. The last thought I have is “I’m not doing this for me; I’m doing it for us.”

Chapter 7

How many people can say that they get to jump off the 10m platform with an Olympic contender on their twentieth birthday? I swallow hard and silently pray I live through this. Heights terrify me. My stomach lurches into my throat and threatens to choke me.

“Come on, cheer girl! You can do this!” Crystal yells from the safety of the concrete poolside, waving fake pom-poms in the air.

Eric, Kenny, Crystal, and Shana are all in position, watching me. Eric has a video camera, waiting for me to give him the signal.

A hand reaches over to grab mine, and I jump slightly. Eli smiles at me warmly, encouraging me to step forward. “Anytime you’re ready, love.” The smooth accent does nothing to stop the ringing in my ears.

“How did you talk me into this again?” I ask the British diver nervously.

“I’d like to think it was my charm.” He winks, making me smile.

A sense of calmness washes over me, and I squeeze his hand and motion that I’m ready. I breathe in deep, committing this feeling so I can write about it later.

Eli gives me a chin jerk. I nod, and then we jump together.

“EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!” I scream as soon as we’re airborne. In less than two seconds, we’re submerged in the water and kicking to the top.

The small crowd claps and screams when my head surfaces. Eli’s beside me, treading water and whistling as well.

“How’d it feel?” he asks through a smile.

“Exhilarating. Terrifying. Amazing!” I shout.

“Ready to try it again and actually dive?”

His sexy accent gives me a slight tremble. Quinn is going to die when I tell her this story.

“Yes!” I agree and swim to the ladder.

“Face those fears, Harris!” Shana slaps me on the shoulder as I pass her.

This time, as I climb to the platform, I’m not nearly as nervous. Eli stands with me again, and we dive into the water below. Well, he dives graciously. Mine is more like a flop.

Once we do this twice more, we join the group waiting for us. I dry off while Eli answers questions regarding his training and routine to prepare for qualifiers. When he’s done, I thank him and go to the area designated to change.

Shana’s waiting on me when I step out of the stall.

“I’m proud of you, Devon.”

“That means the world to me. Thank you.”