xy. “Well, he scared the shit out of me. He sounded like he was here in the room.”

“Great acoustics on my phone. We need to learn some key phrases to communicate with the locals.”

“Quinn, we’re going to be with teams and guides.”

“Yes, but it’s smart to be prepared. Now, come here. Let’s do this.” She pats the bed next to her, and I plop down.

“‘Olá, como vai você’ is ‘Hello, how are you’?”

We both repeat it a few times and take turns asking Rafael about popular general statements.

Good morning.—Bom Dia.

Good Evening.—Boa Noite.

Where is the restroom?—Onde é o banheiro.

“These are boring. Let’s get to the good stuff.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me wickedly. “Asshole!” she shouts into the phone.






She looks at me expectantly and holds the phone close to my mouth. “Fuck,” I say loudly.








“Looks like some words are universal.” Quinn giggles.

We spend the next hour playing with Rafael until my phone rings. Bryce’s face pops up on the screen, and my heart starts to flutter.

“Hey, sweetie.”

“Devon,” he sighs, “did you forget to call?”

“No, I was going to call before we started our movie. When we got here, we sort of got sidetracked.”

“Douche!” Quinn yells, and Rafael answers, “Ducha.”

“Who the hell is that?” Bryce practically growls.