“Handle what exactly? The fact that you got a woman pregnant and cared for her until she was well through the loss of your child? Or the fact that, once again, you proved how awesome you are through your devotion and commitment to do the right thing? What are you looking for?”

“I’m looking for your forgiveness. I’m looking for your happiness, your devotion, your own commitment. I’m looking for my Devon to come back to me.”

“There’s nothing to forgive.”

“Yes, there is. I let you down. I never want to see that look on your face again. It was my undoing. There aren’t enough apologies in the world to make up for ruining your birthday and graduation, but I’m going to try to erase the terrible memory from your mind. You were always the bright star to my sky. Everyone knew it but me until it was too late.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, my parents, your parents, Nate, everyone knew. I was too stupid to see it, but when you disappeared from my life, I knew it, too. You’re my girl, Devon. You’re meant to be mine.”

“Things have changed, Bryce. I’ve changed.”

“How so?”

“I have a life I love in Virginia. I changed my major; I’m applying to the MFA program. I may be young, but I’ve set my dreams differently then a naïve eighteen year old.”

“You weren’t naïve.”

“Following a crazy crush to college with my best friend? Yes, it’s safe to say I was naïve.”

“I was looking forward to it.”

“Until you got your easy lay pregnant.” It flies from my lips before I can stop myself. His face falls and a guard goes up.

“That was uncalled for. I’m sorry. I just have lived with her face as she held you close and told me you were having a baby for a long time. The image is burned in my brain.”

“Let’s not mention it again,” he answers without emotion.

“I have to know something. It’s always been in the back of my mind. If the situation was reversed, and I introduced you to the man responsible for knocking me up… He shook your hand and said he was my fiancé. What would you do?”

The shades of fury cloud his face, and he drinks his beer in one sip.

“I’d wait for Nate to castrate him, then I’d kill him slowly. No doubt, he would pay for taking what’s mine.”

“I’m hardly yours!” I scoff.

“You’ve always been mine. Now, it’s time to prove it.”

“Bryce, it’s no secret. You hurt me. I was stupid and young. I fell in love with the fifteen-year-old boy who was nice to me. If you want my forgiveness, you have it. But we can only be friends. My heart is slowly healing from a one-sided schoolgirl crush.”

“Who said it was one-sided?”

“The fact that I came face to face with Holli seems to prove my point.”

“After tonight, we don’t talk about anyone else but you and me. Holli was part of my life I’ll never forget, but she’s gone.”

Before I can help myself, I blurt out, “Are there others?”

“You mean women I’ve had sex with?”


“Yeah, baby, there are. But I’m done.”

“No more sex?” I ask, confused.

“We’ll see. For now, we need to rest. I have a feeling your parents and brother will have a welcome party when we arrive.”