“Really?” She grabs her laptop and sits down next to me.

We spend the next forty-five minutes looking over the information and applying for the program. Quinn leaves the room when Dean calls, and I go to the back porch to watch for Nate and Bryce. The cool wind chills my body, but as soon as I see the familiar headlights of Nate’s truck pull into a parking spot, I forget about it.

I rush through the house and out the door to meet them. Bryce sees me first and holds his arms out for me. I jump into his embrace, his familiar scent surrounding me. He kisses along my neck softly, whispering how much he missed me. I lift up to kiss him lightly when there’s an animalistic growl behind me.

“Fucking stop it now.” Nate glares at us, but his face softens when I untangle myself and give him a hug.


“Seriously, Dev. Get used to it.”

“Babe, don’t let him get to you. We have all night to celebrate,” he teases, and my brother’s face turns red.

“Fucker, I already warned you, none of that shit while I’m around.”

“Come on in.” I take Bryce’s hand and lead them into my apartment.

We order pizza and settle in front of the TV where the guys insist on watching NCAA basketball. Nate only slightly scowls when I curl up next to Bryce on the sofa. Things seem to be going well until Quinn mentions going home on our break in a few weeks.

Bryce’s body goes stiff under me, and he mutes the television. “I thought you two were going to do something fun?”

“Plans changed. Quinn’s going to drive home. Dean’s driving up from Atlanta for part of the week to meet her parents.”

“What about you?”

“I’ll stay here. Sure I can find something to do.”



“Why don’t you go home with her?”

“My parents will be on that cruise, remember?”

“I don’t want you here alone. Knoxville’s almost six hours away if you need me.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“No, you’re coming to our place.”

“I’ll be fine,” I repeat.

“I agree with Bryce, Devon,” Nate states. “This will be a ghost town during Spring Break. I don’t want you here alone.”

“I didn’t think it was a good idea to come to Knoxville right now.” I think of running into Holli.

“That was a dumb decision on my part. Our relationship was new and somewhat fragile. I wanted to protect you in case Holli showed up. I knew how much seeing her would affect you. At this point, it doesn’t matter. You know how I feel about you, and hopefully, your paths won’t cross.”

Apparently, Holli and Bryce still run into each other, but he made it clear he’s in a serious relationship and she backed off. Now, when they see each other, it is coincidental. I personally don’t believe it’s an accident that she is always at the gym, library, or same bars he is, but I don’t want to sound petty.

“Babe, I would have asked you to come, but I thought you were going somewhere with Quinn.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. You guys talk forty times a week and you didn’t know her plans changed?” Nate laughs.

“It’s not entirely his fault! Quinn just decided to go home a few days ago.” I look to her for help, but she’s snickering and shaking her head.

“Regardless, ride with Quinn, and she can drop you off at our place.”