“Well, how would you feel to know, anyone standing behind Devon right now can practically see her whole ass the way you’re holding her?”

I unlatch my legs and scrambled to get down, adjusting my dress. Heat fills Bryce’s eyes as Quinn bursts into laughter. She bends over, holding her stomach, which makes me giggle, too. He looks between us like we’re crazy then tugs us both off the dance floor to our sectioned area. The booths are mostly empty, but the tables are set up with chilling champagne.

“Okay, I’m long overdue for a proper greeting.” Quinn stretches her arms, and Bryce embraces her, kissing her cheek.

“It’s been a long time, Quinn. Good to see you.”

“You too. When did you become so hot?”

“Quinn!” Heat creeps up my cheeks.

“Seriously, he’s fucking built. Tell me, Bryce, do you have a six-pack or an eight-pack?”

I cringe from humiliation and slink into the booth.

“I’ll let Devon answer that for you.” He winks and sits close, pulling me into his lap.

“No way! She can’t be a proper wingman if she’s wrapped up in your arms. It just doesn’t work.” She shakes her finger at us, clearly not approving of our loving position.

“Her duties are over tonight.”

“Devon,” she whines, begging with her eyes.

Bryce’s grip on my hip gets tighter, and I throw my head back and laugh. “Quinn, you don’t need me. The guy in the navy sweater is practically panting.” I point to the guy at the bar staring at her.

She glances and then smiles back at me, winking. “Okay, see you two later.” She waves slightly and walks to the bar.

When she’s gone, I turn my attention back to Bryce. His intense stare sends a chill down my body.

“I can’t believe you’re here.”

“I couldn’t stay away. It was hard enough dropping you off at the airport with no definite plans to see you again. But when you started crying, it broke me. I made arrangements that day.”

“When did you get here?”

“Earlier today. I came to the game; although, I can’t tell you anything about it. My eyes were on you the whole time.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wanted to surprise you.”

“How’d you find me?”

“Babe, I’ll always find you, but this was easy. Your mom gave me your hotel information. Finding you in this bar was luck. I followed some of your friends I saw in the lobby. I tried to get to your room before you left but didn’t make it in time. When I called you earlier, my cab was stuck in a traffic jam. Getting to you tonight was a little harder because of the line, but the bouncer is former Navy. He let me in when I explained the situation.”

“How long are you here?”

“Two days, the same as you.”

“I can’t believe you did this.”

“I’d do anything for you. But we need to talk about that deflection strategy I mentioned before. Having other men ogle you is out of my control, but you need to figure out a way to deter them. Poor guy tonight looked like I pissed in his cheerios when I tapped on his shoulder and told him to move.”

“You’re very possessive.”

“When it comes to you, I’ll do what it takes.”

The sincerity in his voice causes my heart to swell, and I lean in, soaking in his closeness. Our lips touch delicately at first, teasing each other, but as soon as I nip at his bottom lip, he groans and takes over. Our tongues dance in rhythm. His hands tangle in my hair, gripping my scalp tight, holding me close. I can feel his heartbeat against my chest, racing. In this moment, it is only us. The pumping of the music is silenced, the strobe lights disappear, and the vibrations from the dancing around us still.