“I need time. This is crazy.”

“You have time, then. As much as you need.”

“Should we join our families?”

“Yes, but don’t get weird on me. I need my Devon.”

I swallow hard and push back the tears and anxiety. How the hell did this happen?

I nod, and we head to the living room to celebrate Christmas.

“Devon, are you done yet?” My brother sounds annoyed.

“Just one more.” I adjust the camera and run back to the group.

This should be the last picture, if everyone’s eyes stay open. It’s not my fault I’m compulsive about pictures. To me, the lens of a camera tells a story without words. That’s why I specifically chose photojournalism as my major instead of just journalism. My words usually build on the image, not the other way around.

Once the shot snaps, everyone breaks up and heads inside while I glance back through the images. Bryce comes up behind me and settles his chin on my shoulder.

“You got some great ones.”

“I think so. We’ll upload tonight and see what we want to order.”

“Are you protective over your camera?”

“You have no idea. This is like my baby.” I hold it close to my chest in case he tries to grab it.

“Think you’d let that man over there take a few of just us?” He points to a guy watching us from the porch of the lodge. The man waves and starts walking over.

“You already asked him, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, he’s been waiting for you to finish.”

“Just a few of us, right?”

“He’ll be careful, I promise.”

I nod and give the man a few instructions as he watches me with amusement. Bryce shoves my camera at him and tugs me toward the tree line. Fresh snow covers the greenery around us. My mind instantly goes to how the right positioning will bring in the breathtaking scenery. I’m so wrapped up in deciding on a pose, I don’t notice Bryce lean down and haul me over his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” I scream, beating on his back.

“Making memories.” He spins us around then repositions me so I’m cradled in his arms. The smile on his face is contagious. Without thinking, I lean in and brush my lips across his.

He caresses the back of my neck and pulls me in deeper. The instant his tongue sweeps in and finds mine, he groans. My pulse races, and I clutch his shoulders tightly. Heat and desire run through my veins for this man. I tilt my head to deepen the kiss, just as he pulls back, pecking me lightly and spinning us again.

We both start laughing, and then I realize we have a small audience. Thank God none of them are our families. Bryce sets me back on my feet, and I walk over to the man who has my camera.

“Got some great shots, man. Hope you like them,” he tells Bryce and goes back toward a crowd of people waiting at the edge of the snow-covered deck.

“Do you know him?” I ask.

“Not personally. He’s the resort photographer. I asked a favor.”


“Yeah, babe. I wanted a few of us alone, and it wasn’t a good idea to ask our parents or Nate.”

“Did you know I was going to kiss you?”