“Stop! Nate, stop making us cry.” Quinn slaps his shoulder lazily.

He grins at her then kisses my forehead.

“There you are!” Crystal runs up and almost tackles Quinn and me.

We hug her back, squealing with excitement. When I move, I notice Morgan standing there, his face beaming. I give him a short hug and then introduce him.

We go around the room as a group, inspecting every display and congratulating our classmates. Eric and Kenny join us with their dates, and we move to the main room, claiming a full table.

Bill Thames comes by our table and surprises us by sitting down. Dean scowls when Quinn introduces him as her boyfriend. Bryce notices, too.

“Something I should know?” he says in my ear.

“He doesn’t want to be just the boyfriend anymore,” I answer quietly.

His eyes grow wide, and he nods in understanding.

When Bill leaves to work his way through the room, we resume discussing the upcoming summer internships and Olympics.

The whole table goes quiet, and several people look over my shoulder. Jamie’s eyes bulge and her mouth drops. I turn to see Shana walking toward the table with a wide smile and her arms outstretched.

Bryce gets up to pull out my chair, and I fall into her embrace. She gives me a firm hug then steps back to Professor Grant’s side.

She looks at the table and throws her hands to her hips. “What? Is Devon the only one who still loves me? Come here!” She waves at the table, and Crystal, Eric, and Kenny jump up and come over, leaning into their own hugs.

“I’m so damn proud of you guys,” she tells us and then glares at Quinn. “And you! I understand I lost you to Bill for the summer. What do I have to do to change your mind?”

Quinn’s face turns deep pink, and she slices her eyes to Dean, who kisses her hand sweetly. She looks back to Shana with a sparkle in her eye.

“Atlanta’s where I’m meant to be,” she answers.

Shana smiles widely and nods with understanding.

My heart swells at all the love and friendship surrounding the table. For the first time in a long time, everything is perfect in my world.

Chapter 31


Sorry it’s been a few days since I wrote. We’ve been working around the clock, but I’m finally confident we have all the kinks out. Nate and I agree that we’ve got a great team of guys (and girls) who have been crucial on this project. As of now, we’re heading back to base tomorrow.

You don’t know how much I miss you. In the future, no snowstorm is going to keep me away. Maybe we should get you a new car that’s safer to drive in the snow? Actually, that’s a great idea—we’ll talk about it next week.

I was able to switch some shifts around, so I’ll have four days off when you come for Spring Break. It’s not the whole week like I wanted, but I promise to plan something special. Even if it’s not beach weather, pack your bathing suit.

I miss you, baby, and every time I close my eyes, images of you in my dog tags fill my mind. Thank you for giving me that.

I love you with all my heart,


I re-read the email and type a quick reply, hoping he’ll get it before he goes to bed.


Great news about the project! But I never doubted it would be perfect, with Nate and you on the lead. Have I ever told you how proud I am of you? In my eyes, you’re Superman.

Our parents are still scheduled to fly in next Friday. Quinn’s coming with me, and I’ll be there the minute you walk off the ship. Not even a snowstorm will keep me away.