“That’s it. No more wasting each other’s time. We have nothing more to say.”

“What the hell, Devon? I called to work this out. It’s stupid and silly. This type of shit happens all the time, and it’s up to the women to mend the fences.”

“I disagree. I think it’s up to women to stick together and know to look out for whores who weasel their way into the mix. In my mind, you were one of those women.”


“What the hell am I going to tell Tommy?”

There it is; this is about Tommy. “Tell him you’re pathetic at apologies.” I hang up and fight the impulse to throw my phone.

“Gotta say, I was seriously wrong about her.” Quinn sits back and crosses her arms, pouting. “I hate when that happens. Usually, we can pick out the bitches within a second.”

“I think we get a pass on this one. Nicole isn’t a bitch, but she wants to be liked and keep the peace. If Liza wasn’t lying, and she and Bryce ended up together, Nicole wanted to make sure they still had a relationship. Sounds like Tommy’s the one she’s keeping happy, regardless of morals.”

“Well, that’s done. Let’s see if Bryce sent any updates.”

She slides my computer across the table. Bryce tries his best to send daily emails, specifically to see if Quinn’s made me smile. He never really says it, but I know he’s letting me know about any run-ins with Liza.

My pulse races when I see a series of messages from him. I laugh out loud at the subject line of the first one.

Subject: Safe for Quinn Jackson’s Eyes

Quick note to see if you’re smiling today. Did you get the chocolates? Good news is that our run has been successful, and we’ll be heading in on time, maybe even early. At this point, I’m sure Quinn told you I’ll be there for your big event on Saturday night. But I have another surprise. Nate’s coming and bringing Jamie. They’re staying at a hotel.

Quinn- check your email- privately. I’ve transferred some money and instructions to you. I know you want to kick me in the balls, but hopefully this will help soften the punishment when you see me.

I’ll call when I can. Dev- next email is for your eyes only.

“Okay, that’s my cue to leave. I’m gonna call Dean. See you in the morning.” Quinn leaves me in the kitchen, and I wait until her door shuts to open the next message.


Being on this ship has opened my eyes to the world without being able to contact you. I lie down and my mind floods with images of your face. This time away has physically hurt, not being able to hear your voice after all that happened. I wake up in a cold sweat, wondering if you’re going to leave me. You said you forgive me, but I haven’t forgiven myself.

I promise to never let anyone come between us again.

This weekend, we will have a lot of reasons to celebrate. In case you don’t already know, you’re an incredible and amazing woman. Lucky for me, I get to spend the rest of my life telling you these things every day.

I love you, baby, and I have one last question.

When are you going to marry me? June seems too far away.

My heart belongs to you. See you soon.

I re-read the email three times with tears filling my eyes. It’s not healthy for him to continue to carry this blame solely on his shoulders. I became an easy target once I let my insecurities grow. This weekend, we’re going to talk, and he’s going to finally let it go.

Chapter 30

I bounce in place, then pace, watching out the window. Quinn and Dean sit behind me on the sofa making jokes, but I ignore them. The snow is falling, and Bryce is an hour late. Nate has called a few times to say they are close, but the weather has them delayed.

I stop pacing and go to the kitchen. The appetizers are laid out, the wine and beer chilled, and the most recent bouquet of flowers from Bryce is in the middle of the table.

Dean walks in and surprises me by yanking me into a hug. “Calm down, sweetness. He’ll be here soon.” His voice is so smooth and velvety that I instantly relax.

“You know everything, don’t you?” I muffle into his sweater.

“Yes, and I know he’s as anxious to see you as you are him.”