I nod and smile with a renewed sense of security.

Fuck you, Liza!

Chapter 20

“Girl, you have no idea how much you have done for me. I’ve got Christmas almost done for our families with these pictures.” Nicole gushes about the photo file I sent from TJ’s birthday.

Quinn listens over the speakerphone and fakes a gag, shaking her head. “Nicole, you have to stop. There’s not enough room in the car if her head gets any bigger!”

“Shut up, bitch!” I slap her across the seat. “They were great pictures.”

“When will you be here? I can’t wait to meet this girl.” Nicole refers to Quinn.

“Her boyfriend, Dean, is flying in at four-fifteen, so we’ll swing by the airport and then meet Bryce at the hotel.”

“The sitter will be here at eight. See you at the bar at eight-thirty. Everyone is excited for a night out.”

“Umm, Nicole, who’s everyone?” I bite my lip nervously and shoot a quick look at Quinn.

“Normal crew, Tommy, me, Rick and his date, and Dani,”

We stay quiet, waiting to see if she mentions anyone else.

“Devon, if you’re worried about Liza, don’t be. When Bryce got home two weeks ago from your place, he made it clear to Tommy and Rick that Liza made you uncomfortable. Tommy doesn’t know details, but no one invited her tonight.”

“Shit, that makes me sound like the biggest bitch in the world. She’s your friend and works with the guys.”

“No, you’re not a bitch. I’d like to think Tommy would make the same request if someone were making me uncomfortable. She and Tommy have worked together for the three years we’ve been stationed here. In a way, I feel sorry for her.”

“Why would you feel sorry for her? She’s obviously doing well with her Naval career, not to mention, she’s beautiful and intelligent.”

“Devon, she’s exceptional at her job. Tommy says she’s the type of person you want working with you due to her precision and skill. But when it comes to personal relationships, she’s very misled. She carries a chip on her shoulder. Her dad was military and did a number on their family when she was a teenager. She never recovered.”

“When she was at my house, she mentioned a half-sister who was the result of a ship tryst. Then she proceeded to tell me I’m not cut out to be a Navy wife.”

“Shit. What did Bryce say?”

“She didn’t tell him,” Quinn pipes in. “She really should because he’d go fucking ballistic if he knew Liza insulted either of them that way. Bryce is a maniac when it comes to Devon’s happiness. He would verbally annihilate Liza.”

“Well, you don’t need to worry about anything tonight. It’s a public bar that’s popular among the guys, but if she shows up, we’ve got your back.”

“Isn’t she your friend? I don’t want to cause friction.”

“Friend is an intimate word. I tolerate her for Tommy and Dani’s sake. Dani is one of the best women I’ve ever met, and for some reason, she puts up with Liza. She shared her sob story one night when drunk. Her dad fucked up her opinions on love and relationships. She has no guidance.

“Tommy talked about his bunkmates often, and through him, I learned about you. Knew immediately we’d click. When the guys got back to base, it was obvious Liza had her sights on Bryce. But I think he made his feeling about you clear at TJ’s party.”

“At this point, I’ve held back, but if she fucks with Dev this weekend, I’m going to step in and tell Bryce everything. And let’s not forget Nate. When he unleashes, it’ll be nasty,” Quinn informs the both of us.

Nicole’s laughing fills the car, and then a small squeal sings in the background. She tells us TJ’s waking and promises to see us in a few hours. When we hang up, Quinn stares out the window quietly.

“What’s on your mind?” I ask.

“I’m thinking about how different our lives are going to be. You’re marrying a military officer. If things go well, I’m marrying a lawyer. It’s finally hit me that we’re not going to have houses in the same neighborhood where our kids grow up together.”

Tears spring to my eyes when her voice breaks. I reach for her hand and hold tight. “We may not live in the same neighborhood, but we’ll always be us. Nothing can tear apart the duo.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Distance can’t stop us. We?