He sucks once more, sending another ripple of pleasure before moving away. His hands grip my hips as he positions himself and slides inside. Electric sensations shoot through every nerve until we’re flush against each other.

I push the pillow away and find his eyes piercing into mine. We rotate in sync, never breaking our stare. Heat and energy fill the space around us as he makes love to me. I tilt in to capture his mouth with my own.

His hips swivel, and I hum on his tongue. His resolve to go slow breaks as his strokes speed up. Sweat trickles down my back, and I have to break away to breathe. My mind dizzy with lust and desire. The familiar coiling starts in my stomach again with the intensity of his movements.

“Come with me baby.” His voice is smooth and sexy.

I do as he asks, rasping his name when the orgasm explodes. Tremors rock my body, and I gasp to catch my breath. He grips my hips and groans deep, pulsing inside of me. His body stills, neither of us moving as our heartbeats race together.

“I dream of the days that we can start every morning like this.” He sweeps my hair over my shoulder and rests his head.

“Me too.”

We stay wrapped together until our breathing evens out. He leans back, breaking our connection, and rolls off the bed. He comes back from my bathroom with a warm cloth and cleans us both before crawling back in bed.

“Shit, I need to unlock the door in case Nate needs to get in.”

“I’ll do it.” I glance at my clock and gasp. “It’s six a.m.!”

He shrugs and then links his hands behind his head, smirking. “What can I say? Told you I was addicted to your taste. I had a craving.”

Flush creeps up my cheeks as I throw on his shirt from last night. “Well, lucky for me.”

“Anytime, babe. You want to get lucky, say the word.”

I prance to the bathroom and turn back, giving him my most seductive glance. “You have five minutes, then it’s your turn to satisfy my craving… again”

“Greedy this morning?”

“I figure if you can start my day with incredible sex and two orgasms, we should keep going.”

His smirk turns into a full-blown smile and sends another shiver down my spine. Safe to say, I’m not unlocking that door anytime soon.

A soft knocking wakes me up, and Bryce stirs against my back. I slide out of bed quietly and throw on his shirt again then crack the door open. Quinn looks at me with fury in her eyes.

“You are not going to believe that bitch,” she spews.

“What are you talking about?” I whisper.

“Liza is here. She’s ready to go. Said she texted Bryce so he should be ready.”

“What time is it? It seems so early.”


“They aren’t supposed to leave until two!”

“I know. Nate is talking to her now.”

“Okay, we’ll be right out.”

She gives me a sympathetic look as I close the door.

“What’s going on?” Bryce’s voice is laced with sleep when I crawl in next to him.

I tell him what Quinn said, and he reaches for his phone on my nightstand. Sure enough, he has two texts from Liza about leaving earlier than discussed. He exhales loudly and gets up, going to the bathroom.

When he comes out, he’s in shorts and a t-shirt, and his expression is angry.