“Yes, I was an idiot.”

“Why?” I question softly, reaching for her hand.

“I could have had it all, everything I ever dreamed of, but I was too ambitious and arrogant. Leaving Henry was the worst decision ever. I didn’t know it at the time, but these last two months here with him proved I’m a fool.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“He’s still perfect for me. He knew in Brazil I was coming to Virginia, and that my network rented me a corporate apartment, but his mind was more focused on the Summer Expo, so we didn’t really talk about it. When I moved in, the first thing I did was invite him to dinner. That night, I let it all out. There was no reason to keep dancing around what happened all those years ago.”

“Oh my God. What happened?”

“In true Henry fashion, he was understanding, supportive, and one hundred percent forgiving—no hard feelings, no regrets. He held no animosity or anger. We decided to never discuss it again. Gradually, we’ve built this incredible relationship. The last eight weeks have been more than I could ever wish for.”

“Maybe I’m missing something, but this all sounds like really great news. It was obvious at the game a few weeks ago that you have chemistry. No one could miss the way he looked at you, or the way he held you close when you walked away.”

“That’s what kills me. This could have been the last nine years—us together, living the life we should have had. Guilt eats me inside. He’s trying to help me get over it, but I’ve cried more in the last month than I have in my life… and that’s saying a lot.

“He wouldn’t have a son with another woman, a beautiful little boy who fills him with happiness and purpose, but each time I see him, he reminds me of my mistake.”

“Shana, there’s no way for me strip away the hurt, but you’re overlooking a few things. You’re an inspiration to women all over the world at an extremely young age. Journalism aside, you’ve accomplis

hed major achievements that stand out. People trust and respect you. That is why they allow you into their homes and businesses to do your stories. You may be sad, but nothing you have done is a mistake. You’re back now, fighting for the love of your life. He’s forgiven you and opened the door for a future together. You have to stop looking back.”

Her eyes gloss over with unshed tears, and she visibly swallows, holding them in. The hand under mine flips and squeezes as her face clears of sadness.

“You’re a spunky little thing, aren’t you? Can’t believe I unloaded on you like that.”

“Anytime. But I’m glad to know it worked out with Professor Grant. Quinn and I had a complete plan when school started. Good thing we didn’t have to meddle. That could have gotten embarrassing.”

“Dynamic duo, huh? Trying to sprinkle love on everyone?”

“Something like that.”

“You do know that you can never, ever take another one of Henry’s classes now, right? You know too much.”

I smile and nod. “Good thing I already had him for my courses then.”

“Enough heavy stuff. Let’s talk about your next and final semester.” She smiles widely, her mood changing completely.

We go over my class options, and she openly gives me her opinion on the courses.

I make a mental note. This weekend, Bryce and I are going to discuss our wedding. It’s time.

Chapter 17

My heart sinks when I spot Nate, not Bryce, leaning against his truck in the hotel parking lot. He pushes off and meets me at my car, helping me out.

“Hey, sis.”

“Hey. How are you?”

“Wiped. Long day, actually, long week. Glad you’re here.” He reaches in my back seat to get my bag. “Bryce got caught up with a last minute project. He sent me to get you.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, but he couldn’t call and didn’t want you to worry, so I came to get you checked in. I can take you to base. He’ll only be about an hour.”

“Let me get changed.”