“You’re amazing, you know that?”

“Why don’t you take me home and show me how amazing I am?”

I giggle when he peels out of the parking lot, speeding toward his house.

“Bryce?” I say gently, rubbing circles on his bare chest.


“Before we get out of this bed this morning, you’re going to tell me what’s been going on. The secrecy is driving me crazy.”

“It wasn’t intentional, but everything finally fell into place yesterday. That’s why I took the call from my parents last night.”

“What fell into place?” I prop on my elbow so I can look at him.

“Remember when I told you on that airplane that I had been working my ass off? Last fall, when I decided to come after you, I started talking to my ROTC leader about plans after OCS. He helped me narrow down the opportunities offered. As you know, there are no guarantees in the Navy, but I was grasping for one.”

“What is it?”

“It was just confirmed, barring any new developments, I’ll be stationed in Norfolk after training. Hopefully, my assignment will be stateside mostly. I’m not an idiot; I know I’ll have to do some seaside assignments, but I’ll be as close to you as possible.”

“Really?” I squeal.

“Yeah, baby.”

“Oh my God! This is so exciting!”

“Glad you approve.”

“What about Nate?”

“No idea. I think he wants to go to San Diego. But that’s how he knew I was serious about you. He’s known for a while and helped me when he could. Actually, everyone in our families knew my plan except you. I didn’t want to see disappointment on your face if it didn’t work out.”

“So, after Rhode Island, we’ll see each other every week?”

“Yes. Not sure of those details yet, but even if I have to work odd hours and shifts, you can drive over on the weekends after football season. I figured, even with summer semesters, you’ll be in school at least another two years.”

My excitement bubbles over, and I shriek again loudly, springing on him. He laughs and kisses me. I break free and hop off the bed, tugging on my pajamas.

“I have to tell Quinn and call my mom.”

“More ammunition for Quinn to bust my balls.”

“Aww, honey. She getting to you?”

“Not one bit. Since you and her are a package deal, I’ll be dealing with her shit forever.”

There’s that word again. Forever.

Chapter 13

I’m at the pool. Come join me when you get home.

I leave the note on the counter and get my things together. Even though I’ve done the same thing the last few days, I still leave a note. Every day, I have breakfast with Bryce and Nate and then go to the pool while they go to class.

Usually, I’ll have my daily call with Quinn and then read for a few hours before they get home. We’ve gone out a few nights with their friends again, but thankfully, no more run-ins with ex-girlfriends. Every night, we spend tangled up in each other’s arms.

I adjust my towel and lay down on my usual lounge chair. As soon as my eyes close, I doze off. The sound of a chair scraping along the deck makes me stir, and when I open my eyes, anxiety fills me.