“Babe, you’re incredible. Never doubt yourself. Tell me about the rest of the day.”

“Well, my mom cried and cheered at the same time. My dad was really sweet. They’re coming up the last weekend of the month and staying a few extra days. Nate’s going to try to come with them, but we’ll see.”

“Yeah, Nate told me that, too. Were they upset about not coming opening weekend?”

“No, once I told my mom about the opening party. She understood I wanted you to be my date and it’s our first Valentine’s together.”

“Speaking of that, I got Thursday night and Monday morning flights. That okay?”

“Perfect. I can’t wait. Oh, and I’m going to try to get us a room on Friday night. It’s a long drive home that late.”

Bryce goes silent, and his face twists on the screen.

“Or not. You don’t look too thrilled.” My voice is laced with disappointment.

“Damnit, Devon!”


“Babe, You don’t need to worry about a room. It’s taken care of. It was going to be a surprise.”

A smile spreads across my face, and I giggle. “Sorry, but I’m surprised now. Does that count? How the hell did you do all this so quickly?”

He turns his head, avoiding me, but when he turns back, he grins. “Let’s just say, I didn’t have to plan all this today. The flight was already booked.”

“You sneak.”

“I’m selfish, really. The trip was planned with my interests in mind.”

“Really, what interests are those?”

“Let’s just say, I need my girlfriend to take care of my sexual frustration.” He wags his eyebrows at me.

“Ugh! Tell me about it! I’m very ‘frustrated’.”

“Just two more weeks.”

“Have you thought any more about Spring Break?” Last week, we discovered our breaks are a week apart.

“I think you should do something fun with Quinn on yours, but I’ll drive up and spend the week with you on mine. I think Nate wants to come so we can drive over to Norfolk to see the base for a day or two.”

“Don’t you want me to come down to Knoxville while I have some time off?”

His face pales, and I can tell immediately something’s wrong.

“Bryce, what is going on?” Dread washes through me.

“Before I tell you, don’t get worried, or upset. Nothing has changed on my part. I’m crazy about you.”

“Fucking tell me!”

“Holli’s back at UT. She’s not technically enrolled in school, but she’s back.”


“She’s living with some of her sorority sisters and going back summer semester. She only has a few credits left, and she wants to graduate from UT.”

“Sounds like you know a lot about her return.”