Chapter 22

Quinn was right; our mothers are crazy. Dress shopping is going to be a mistake after this meal. I watch Nate, Tommy, and Bryce shove cake in their mouths and feel a little woozy. Nicole sits next to me, and I grunt as the sofa dips, bouncing us.

“It was delicious. Thank you again,” I tell her.

“My pleasure. Besides, I was worried that Bryce would come out of his skin if he went much longer without seeing you.”

“The feeling was mutual. I’m glad he finally has a place. It’ll be easier on us both, especially next semester. My Fridays will be free.”

“That’ll be nice. Even if he has shift, you can come over and hang with me and TJ.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

We stay silent for a minute, watching Quinn through the back door as she paces, talking to Dean.

“So I heard my brother may have met someone. Do you know anything?”

“Very little. Tommy said it’s new.”

“I wondered if it was Dani but haven’t had time to ask Bryce.”

“No, she’s only a friend. We all love Dani; she’s sweet, but I doubt she’d date anyone on her ship. I asked her to come today, but she had plans. There’s a chance she may stop in later.” She gives me a look, and my stomach sinks.

“With Liza?”

“I’m assuming.”

“Please tell me that Liza wasn’t invited today because of me.”

“Actually, she was asked to join us. The whole crew was invited, but she declined. Then Dani said she also had plans.”

“I guess I need to apologize to Liza even though I don’t want to.”

“It’s none of my business, but I think you did the right thing. No apology needed. There’s always going to be a Liza lurking around. It’s good to stand your ground and stake your claim, especially with the aggressive ones.”

“That’s the thing. She never seemed aggressive in the true term. She’s always been indifferent in her tone, but also condescending, like she was looking down on me. And then there was that picture I found.”

“What do you mean?”

I tell her about the picture on Nate’s phone and never mentioning it to Bryce.

“Devon, I trust Tommy with my life. It’s other women I don’t trust. We’ve had countless conversations about the way women flirt with him, and I’m not only referring to the Navy women.”

“Great.” I throw my head to the back of the couch and focus on the ceiling. “More reasons to feel insecure.”

She pats my hand lightly. “Whatever you’re feeling, talk to Bryce. I’ve seen relationships crumble under the pressure. Don’t become a statistic.”

“What are we talking about now?” Quinn plops down.

“The fact that women are ruthless creatures, and Bryce will be faced with easy temptation all the time.”

“Hmmm, sounds like a worthless conversation. Women may throw themselves at him, but it’s useless on their part. So can we talk about something that won’t set your nerves on edge?”

TJ wobbles in the room, covered in chocolate, and Nicole gets up to grab him. Quinn and I lean into each other, and I struggle to keep my eyes open. The bliss only lasts a few minutes before I hear Tommy answer his phone and then tell the crowd that Dani’s on her way. Quinn and I both tense, knowing that she’s probably not alone.

Thirty minutes later, when the kitchen is almost clean, Liza and Dani come through the back door. Dani instantly gives us a warm hug. Liza acknowledges us with a small wave then walks directly into the living room. Within a few seconds, Bryce is at my side with a worried expression.

“You ready to go?” he asks.